Chapter 20

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Since Jonah's kidnapping, I had been unable to get a whole night's sleep—or at least a restful one. If I did manage an entire night's rest, I still woke up groggy and bleary-eyed. I don't know if it was just my body's way of reacting and adjusting to the aftermath of it or if it was psychological. More than one morning, I'd awakened with a scream trapped in my throat.

The following day was no different. Only this time, a ghostly voice accompanied my gasps for water. "Faye, where are you?" I couldn't stifle the sob that slipped free from my lips. It was a replica of the last time. Only the voice was different.

I would recognize it anywhere. I knew it almost as well as I knew my own. Waverly. I mouthed my friend's name, tears filling my eyes. Jonah didn't move from his seat in the chair beside my bed.

I made no move to wake him. I hated leaving him—and not telling him where I was going—but I had to. Even though I vividly remembered what happened the last time I'd been in this situation, I nonetheless rose from my bed. I swam into my closet and hastily changed into a black-and-red dress.

My hands were shaking as I swam back into the bedroom. I froze, holding my breath as Jonah took a breath, then let it out in a snore. His eyes never opened, however.

Swallowing hard, I kissed his forehead, barely brushing my lips against his skin. He stirred but never opened his eyes. I silently grabbed my bag from where I'd stashed it beside my bed, heading for the suite door. Tears slipped down my cheeks, and I hastily brushed them away.

I struggled to push my emotions down and focus on the task in front of me. Waverly. Every beat of my heart chanted her name: Wav-er-ly, Wav-er-ly, Wav-er-ly. Over and over until I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

I pictured my friend's sweet face, stained with tears after the news had broken. My heart skipped a beat, lurching as I imagined her in a dark cave: shivering, frightened, and alone. Her voice played on repeat in my head, the fear in it sending a chill down my spine. "Faye, please. I need you." I remembered vividly what had happened with Jonah, but I couldn't risk brushing this off. What if something had happened to her?

Like with Jonah, I had no idea where to start searching, but I decided to start with Pelathas and work my way up from there. It was a large realm, but what choice did I have? I had no way of knowing where she was. Fear, desperation, and guilt created a knot in my stomach. I didn't care how long it took—I'd search nonstop until I found her. Scribbling a hasty note for Mom, Dad, Drew, and Jonah, I quietly swam out of my bedroom.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I left my suite, flipping the hood of my cloak over my head. I swam as calmly as I could, maintaining a blank expression. The first thing I did was knock on the door to her suite. Part of me was (foolishly) hoping that she'd open the door and brush off my concerns. That I'd find her safe and sound.

Those hopes were instantly shattered the moment the door swung open. Laguna floated before me, face red and blotchy with tears. I also noticed several bruises on her face and hairline. "She—she just burst into our suite. She wouldn't tell us who she was; she never said a word. I tried to shield Waverly, but I wasn't fast enough. Why did she take her, Faye? Why did she take my baby?" Her voice broke on the last word, and she crumpled.

It took everything I had not to burst into tears immediately. Laguna hadn't mentioned a name, but the she was enough for me to figure out the culprit. I wanted to comfort her, but all my concentration was focused on Waverly. "I will get her back. I promise." My voice did not tremble, nor did it break.

Laguna started to speak, but I had already turned away. The swim from their suite to the entryway seemed to last an eternity. When I finally reached the front doors, I halted, the enormity of what I was swimming into hitting me head-on. If Kailani had hurt her—

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