My Other Half

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You who the kings of silliness sent,
I who you thought would stay til the end
Paralleled to be sisters
You were the one who knew me better

Like the stars who paused the rain,
'Tis you who dragged me away from vain
Those days of lighting and shadowing me,
The bickers and fun days I gained

Happy I am to have you before me
But how strange could separation be
'Twas the times of fair and the holler
What a swift moment have we altered

Through ups and downs
We lit up dull towns
You were my right and I was your left
How distance should be blamed of theft

Longing million miles away
Only the dim has come to play
It's hard to think that I am out of your zone
I loved you like you were my own

Gifted me brightness, I dare keep
It's as though we've always been glued
The giddiness I lived, now I yearn
My other half, don't let this bond be torn

For Loisy.

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