Chapter 4: Jonathan's Rage/Ark-One vs Iron Man

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(Jonathan is seen walking along with Rias' Peerage female members.)

Rias: So? Tell me more about yourself.

Jonathan: Well, I had a childhood friend... I don't know why, but there are people who always picked on her. But I always stood by her side. Sure, the bullies vowed vengeance, but I ratted them out to their parents, and the pricks got their due punishment.

Akeno: Ara ara... I wish I could punish them myself. Their screams would be music to my ears...

Jonathan: You have a weird fetish, you know...

Akeno: I'll take it as a praise, cutie.

Rias: (sighs) Sorry about Akeno...

Jonathan: It's okay.

Asia: And where is she?

Jonathan: She... (looks down) is dead.

Koneko: (shocked) What?

(Suddenly Rias' Peerage female members sense a dangerous power growing within him as he changes his expression.)

Jonathan: And all because of... (sees Iron Man and points at him) HIM!

 (sees Iron Man and points at him) HIM!

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Ravel: (shocked) Iron Man?

Jonathan: Yes, he took her from me! (pulls out his driver) And now, I'll take his life!

(Rias and her Peerage female members get shocked by seeing the Ark Driver as Jonathan places it on his waist.)


Jonathan: By the way... I'm sorry...

Rias: (confused) For what?

Jonathan: For this!

(Then Jonathan somehow moves behind each of the girls and knocks them out with a karate chop before pulling out his progrisekey.)

Jonathan: But I can't allow you to interfere.


Jonathan: (monotone) Henshin!


(Jonathan becomes Kamen Rider Ark-One.)


(Then Ark-One steps up to where the one who took his friend away is seen.)

(Cut to Iron Man, he is seen with his team, Winter Schnee and the Ace Operatives as they are about to fight Grim Reaper.)


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