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Claire McDaniel was, to simply put it, fucked up.

After the tragic Woodsboro massacre that left half of her friend group dead and the rest traumatized for an eternity, Claire found herself craving the rush that Ghostface had left her feeling once again.

As sick as it may have sounded, Claire loved the idea of Ghostface. She loved the villain behind the mask running around, whether it was her doing the hunting, or her being the hunted. It was ironic, seeing as her own aunt was a victim of one out of many Ghostfaces that had terrorized Woodsboro residents.

Now, this wasn't something she could share with her newly graduated friend group. They'd end up viewing her just as they viewed Amber—a total psycho.

Claire needed a distraction. Someone to snap her out of the sick and twisted thoughts that continuously whirled through her brain and kept her up at night, even if the distraction didn't hold a lasting effect.

Ethan Landry was the perfect distraction. The boy was a complete and utter loser. He was awkward, dorky, and shy, so it seems that opposites truly do attract. And most of all, he didn't judge her. Ethan eventually found out about what she tried so desperately to hide, but for some odd reason, it didn't send him running in the other direction.

WICKED GAME » SCREAM / ETHAN LANDRYWhere stories live. Discover now