𝟬𝟬𝟭 that girl is poison

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ミ☆ chapter one; that girl is poison

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ミ☆ chapter one; that girl is poison

Claire McDaniel often caught herself recalling what it felt like to kill someone.

She wondered if what she felt was different from others.  Did they like to watch as the life in someone's eyes slowly withered away until there was nothing left? She wondered if they felt guilt, relief, or shock. Maybe even all three.

Or maybe killing someone felt unfulfilling to other people. Even after committing such an act, she wondered if someone would still feel the urge to do it again. And again. And again. Maybe the kill drive only heightened with each kill, driving the perpetrator to a madness that was beyond repair.

Perhaps murder felt like an animal hunt, and when the deed was completed, the body was viewed as meat, nothing more.

There were endless possibilities, but every single one was twisted in some way. Claire knew that much.

Truthfully, she couldn't actually recall what it felt like when she killed Amber. Maybe the traumatic memory became too much to handle so she could only remember the events leading up to it, rather than the actual event itself. It was better that way.

She stared blankly at the hotline Google had provided her with when she searched up the question. A huff escaped the girl's lips as she picked up a hot cheeto to pop into her mouth.

She stared at the number in consideration for merely a second longer before scrolling past it. Claire continued to look at the titles of websites, waiting for the one that would somehow find a way to catch her eye.

"What are you doing?" her twin brother's voice made her head snap up from the computer. Miles raised his eyebrows at his sister in curiosity. "I've been waiting for you for, like, twenty minutes."


She closed her laptop as he continued. "So, we could've left for the party by now."

She sent her brother a shrug. Miles rolled his eyes dramatically, marching towards Claire and shutting her laptop without bothering himself  to see what had kept her in her room for so long. He picked up the device, placing it on the desk next to her bed.

She shot Miles a glare, rising from her bed. "Just because you wanna see Tara doesn't mean you have to sass me."

"Shut up," he shot back, though he didn't deny her accusation.

Claire examined herself in the mirror, double checking to see if her makeup had smeared in the short span of fifteen minutes. She noticed her brother staring at her through the reflective glass, looking at himself as well.

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