Meeting- chapter 1

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Y/N-your name
Y/L/N-your last name

It's my first day at the 99th precinct. My mum has been so excited for me even though she lives all the way in London. I moved here last year and it's been nice so far. *ding* The elevator door dinged and I walked into the captains office. Everyone stared at you as you walked in. You sat down in the captains office.

~Jakes POV~
I was talking to Charles when we heard the elevator door ding. She was one of the hottest people I've ever seen. If she is working with me I would practically faint. She had enchanting green eyes and long dark brown hair and...a leather jacket! She walked into Holts office. We all stared at her in amazement.

~Your POV~
"Good Morning Detective." He said in a stern tone. "Good morning too you sir." I answered fidgeting with my thumbs. "I'm Captain Raymond Holt pleased to meet you Detective..?" He trailed off.

"Y/L/N, Detective Y/N Y/L/N." I smiled. We shook hands. "You will have a mentor whilst you're getting the hang of things. He is my best detective and he will be your desk buddy. Detective Jake Peralta." He explains, pointing his finger at Jake. I smiled and he guided me to my desk. "Peralta, you will mentor our new detective Y/N Y/L/N." He explained and I sat down opposite Jake. "Y/L/N you will just do paperwork today." Holt says handing me a file and walked off back to his office. "Hey Newbie!" Jake cheered. "Hey!" I smiled back. Another guy came over to us both. "I'm hearing wedding bells!" He giggled like a little girl. "W-who are you?" I asked. Jake had his face in his hands. "Charles Boyle, Jakes best friend and your future brother in law!" He cheered jumping up and down. "Charles go away!" Jake yelled and Charles shuffled off.

"Sorry about him." Jake mumbled. "It's fine!" I said opening up the case file. I began filling it out. Time went so fast but I couldn't get over how handsome Jake looked. His dreamy, brown eyes and his curls were so adorable. Soon, it was time to go. "Hey Y/N?" Jake asked "hm?" I replied, still looking down. "It's time to go." He said, tapping me on the shoulder. I jumped a little because I wasn't expecting it then looked at the time. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Jake apologised. "It's okay." I said as I got up. We walked out the precinct together. "Bye Jake." I smiled. "Bye Y/N." He said and he got into his car. As I was walking home, I thought about how cute he was. He lives in my thoughts since I set eyes on him this morning. I finally reached my house and fell onto the sofa, sighing. I put on Benidorm since it's my favourite show until I heard someone knocking.

We are meant to be Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ