He said, She said -chapter 9

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(Based on the He said, she said episode.)

We had finished our honeymoon and made our way back to the precinct. Charles couldn't stop asking us questions but luckily Captain Holt began the morning briefing. "Good morning detective and sergeant Jeffords. Today we have a sexual assault case. A female coworker hit her male coworker with a golf club in the penis." Holt explained. I saw Jake trying to keep in his laugh so I punched him in the arm playfully. "Who will take the case?" Holt asked. "I will I wanna see this guys broken dong!" Jake said a little too quickly. "I'll go with Jake to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I chimed in and Holt nodded. Briefing ended and we made our way to the interrogation room. We greeted Seth (the male coworker). "Yea so I was showing Keri some new softwares and she suddenly just hit me in the dong." He explained. We thanked him for his statement and Keri (the female coworker) came in. "Last night Seth and I were having a chat about the new softwares when he suddenly tried to kiss me and take my clothes off. So, I grabbed his stupid golf club and hit him in the Cookie Monster with it. Which is what he calls his penis." She explained. "Gross." I replied. "Me and Detective Peralta will need to talk outside for a minute if you want to press charges so we will be back in a second." I explained then dragged Jake out. We talked for a bit then went back in. "Its going to be a slightly long process but we can do this." I began. "Actually nevermind the firm offered me 2.5 million dollars if I let this slide. It's a he said, she said situation anyway." She said. "Look I know it's hard but you can't give up, he's done something horrible and you need to do him some karma." I answered. "Yea I guess so." She smiled. "We will need to talk to your coworkers so we will drop you back off at the office now." I said as we all got up. We drove to Keri's office. No luck, they all said how Seth was a great guy and the workplace is extremely professional. Yea right. I stayed at the 99 that night, it was so stressful.

I saw Jake come in slightly worried but carried on with the investigation. "Hey Y/N/N what's up? You didn't come home last night?" He asked sitting down next to me. "I'm fine this case is just stressing me out." I replied. "I'm sure it can't be that bad babe." He said smiling a little. "No it's big! You don't understand how hard it is for me and all the other women. The bus station, the coffee shop, this morning!" I replied with a worried tone. "Damn I'm so sorry love." He replied holding my hand. "It's okay I'm used to it." I sighed. "That's even worse!" He replied squeezing my hand a little. I take a deep breath. "Back when I was at the 84 I had a male captain, my first male mentor. He gave me all the good cases and showered me in praise after, he made me feel special. Then, one night he took me out to dinner. He said he needed a reward for building my career, then he tried to kiss me and do other stuff." I explained beginning to cry. Jake looked like he was about to cry too. "Oh my god. I'm so so sorry love. I won't let anyone else treat you like that." He replied giving me a hug. He kissed my forehead and got up. "Where are you going?" I stuttered. "To get you a coffee and some clean clothes. And a comb but it's your choice if you want to use it." He smiled. "Thanks babe." I replied. He gave me one final kiss and left.

Jake came running in 5 minutes later. "One of Seth's coworkers reached out let's go!" He cheered and grabbed my arm. I giggled and we drove to meet the coworker. Steve told us everything and we finally had enough evidence to take Seth down! Later on, Seth got took away by Rosa and Charles for 4 years in prison. However, Keri was packing her things? "Hey why are you packing? New desk?!" I questioned. "No I'm quitting." She sighed. "What?!" Me and Jake yelled. "They aren't forcing you out are there? Because that's illegal!" I began panicking. "No no no It's just that the atmosphere around her has kind of changed. They all look at me like I'm a monster. So I'm joining a different office." She explained. I sighed, "I feel bad but we hope you enjoy your new office." She picked up her things. "Hopefully I don't break another dong." She snapped as she was walking past Jake. "Why was that aimed at me?" Jake asked. I shrugged and we made our way back to the precinct.

As I walked in, I saw one of Keri's female coworkers at Rosas desk. "One of her friends stepped forward. She's making a statement." Rosa said very briefly then walked away. I smiled to myself. "I'm going to go home early." I sighed. "Are you okay babe?" Jake asked. "Mhm." I mumbled, I just felt really sad because of what happened to Keri. Jake tried to stop me but I already was on my way down. I walked home since Jake needed the car. I went upstairs, got into my pjs and chilled in bed. I cuddled into my blanket. I heard Jake come in. I stayed under my covers and read my book. "Babe?" Jake asked softly. "Mmm?" I stuttered back. "Are you okay?" He asked getting into bed. I turned towards him. "I just feel really bad cuz of what happened to Keri." I explained staying quiet. "She'll be fine you don't need to worry about her anymore focus on yourself cutie." He replied stroking my cheek. I smiled a little. He pulled me in towards him and I snuggled into his chest. "Goodnight beautiful I love you." Jake whispered, playing with my hair. "Goodnight handsome I love you too." I mumbled before closing my eyes. I fell asleep with the warm feeling of Jakes arms around me.

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