Pregnant? -chapter 11

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Jake had finally recovered and he could return to work. God I missed him so much. I woke up feeling happy period was late. No no no we agreed to wait! "Babe you okay?" Jake called knocking on the door. "Mhm!" I replied and stepped out. "No your not. Your voice goes high pitched when you lie." He chuckled. He knows me so well. "Well, my period is late." I stuttered. Jake looked shocked. "Oh." He replied. "I can take a test?" I offered. He nodded. I took the test. The next 2 minutes felt like forever. Until, it was time it was...negative. Thank god. "Negative." I said to Jake walking out. He looked slightly relieved. "Would you maybe wanna start trying?" He asked, smirking. "Yea of course!" I smiled. We made our way to the precinct and w head to try and keep our secret from Charles. He would go mad if he found out.

Months had passed, no luck. We keep trying and trying. It's like the universe doesn't want us to have a baby. "Should we go Shaws bar tonight?" Jake asked. "Yup!" I smiled. We made our way to Shaws and we got super drunk. We had so many shot roulettes it was ridiculous. They tasted so horrible. We walked home and I couldn't walk in a straight line. It was really funny. We waltzed into the apartment and Jake pressed his lips onto mine. We had sex again and as usual, it was amazing. Luckily, it was our day off so we could be hungover together.

I decided to take a test just for fun. I got my way out of Jakes arms. "Where are you going?" Jake groaned. "Just the bathroom I'll be back in a second love." I said giving him a kiss on his forehead. I got out the test and did it. I waited, and waited, and waited. I couldn't bare to look. We've failed so many times. I looked at the test....I walked out the bathroom. "Are you okay?" He mumbled. I nodded. He sat up, raising one eyebrow. "What's behind your back cutie?" He laughed. I smiled then sat down next to him. "What's-" he began before gasping. I held up a positive pregnancy test. "Oh my god Y/N/N we're going to have a baby!" He squealed. I giggled and we hugged. "I love you so much." I smiled. "I love you too cutie." He smiled back and we kissed.

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