start off.......... part 2

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In the Shield base,

Lopez, klein and vasquez are back,
And sit next to clara's bed,

Clara : he just straight vanished of the face of the earth,
I can't feel him anymore.

Lopez : what are you talking about kid?

Clara : dad,
He's gone.

Klein : come on now you know that yn wouldn't leave us hanging like this.

Vasquez : indeed,
Maybe he is the one behind the entire world shaking,
And everyone fainting.

Clara : he was indeed.

Lopez : don't you worry about it kiddo,
We will get them all back to you,
Even if it is the last thing we do.

Phil enters the room,

Phil : even without killing any of them?

May : that's not what we discussed phil!

Jemma : you mean that you would kill them,
Even though you know that they are our people,
Our friends?

May : friends or not,
They are a threat to is now,
They got two world ending beings, two universal threats,
Who knows what more that they are hiding.

Phil : we can't just kill them,
Remember that i told you not to kill daisy.

May : she's not your daughter phil.

Phil : this team we have is as a family to her,
She even has two daughters and a husband thanks to us,
So to me she is the closets thing i have to a daughter.

Phil walks back out of the medbay,

May walks out right behind him,

Clara : just so you know may,
I want to kill the bastard who did this to them as bad as you do.

May looks back to clara and see's the determination that she has,
The fire that sparks up the same way as it does inside the eyes of daisy,

In lincolns cell the tv jumps on,
As he just closed his eyes,

Ilena : lincoln are you there?
are you still wide awake?

Lincoln : ofcourse i am ilena,
Are you okay though?

ilena : i am okay,
I'm happy even,
I got my mom back.
But i miss you though.

Lincoln : i miss you too.
But you know that the happiness is fake right?
That hive is giving it to you?

Ilena : he is the best thing that ever happend to me babe,
All of the sadness is gone inside of me.
i wish that you could be here next to me though.

Lincoln : ilena i will.........

Ilena's eyes spark up,

Lincoln : ......never join that asshole.

Ilena : he isn't grant babe.
At least not anymore.

Lincoln : i thought that these cells where capable to block inhumans powers.

Lincoln backs away from the bed as ilena is now sitting on it right next to where he sat.

Ilena : please join me,
Join hive,
We can be togheter forever lincoln.
Just grab my hand.

Ilena holds her hand out towards lincoln,

Lincoln : this isn't you ilena,
This is hive speaking,
you didn't even wanted to wait before,
You just up and went directly to him to face him off.

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