fitz simmons prison and zephyr one's return

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Jemma is laying on the floor,
As she wakes up,
When she sits up,
She looks to her side seeing fitz,

Jemma : fitz?

Fitz : jemma!

They both walk to each other,

Jemma : oh my god you're here.
You're here!

They both hug each other closely.

Fitz : are you ok?
Did they hurt you?

Jemma : i'm okay,
I'm fine.
Did they hurt you badly?

Fitz : no, no, i'm fine.
I'm fine now that you are here.
I got so much that i want to say.

Jemma : i searched for you everywhere.

Fitz : i was trying to find you too.
Enoch said that he sended you a 100 years into the future,
If you can believe that.

Jemma : not until you see it.

Fitz : yeah, wait, what?

Jemma : yeah......

Fitz : wait, then how......
How are you here?

Before jemma can react,
A familliar voice speaks to them,

Yn : that ofcourse is the qeustion........

Fitz : yn?

Jemma : no this can't be yn.

Yn : you're right jems.
This ofcourse is just for a more friendly aproach to you humans.
But the qeustion is one you must anwser.

Fitz : who the hell are you?
And what is this.......

Jemma : this is the chromicom that's been hunting us,
For the past year,
Story is het home plan-

Yn : i am atarah......

Jemma: she like's to tell it herself i geuss.

Yn : a sentient chromicom,
From a planet chromica-2.

Fitz : yeah you live near a star in a constellation known as cygnus.

Yn : not anymore.

She shows an image ofbher home planet,

Yn : nothing live's there now.
The planet was set ablaze.
Heated to the melting point.
The magma now turned to stone.
First we thought that this guy did it.
But now we know it wasnt him,
And it's to late to save my planet.
Wich is why i must now intervene at an earlier date.

Fitz : using time travel?

Jemma: that's the theory.

Yn : if you cooperate.
There would be no reason to detain you further.

Fitz : sorry but unfortunately it is against the laws......
Of physics!
You're a chromicom i dont need to explain the casuality's  to you,
Even clara wouldn't be dumb enough to change the past!
Because it is impossible to do it.

Yn : you're partner claims otherwise!

Both fitz as atarah in yn's body look towards jemma,

Fitz : but that would create all sorts of paradoxes.

Jemma : you have no idea......

Yn : you will have at you're disposal.
The most advanced chromicom technology.
Any tool that you can imagine will be produced.
All you're knowledge,
All you're memory's.
Will be instantly accesable......

Infront the both of them a white bord stands empty as they look at it,
On its own it quickly gets filled in.

Jemma walks towards atarah,

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