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in the light house now on lock down,
Daisy is out bringing away robin,
And meeting up with tony,

Fitz, mack, deke, yo-yo may and coulson are stuck in the control room,
While jemma with talbot are stuck inside the lab where the gravitonium is,

The team in the control room is defending themselfs,
From the remorath's,
Behind the invaders,
A green flash is seen,
Aswel as a black orange fire sets fire to a couple of them,
Where a few others rapidly age and turn to dust,
Another is pierced by a tealish orb,

Clara and ilena make their way through to stand with coulson and the rest,

Phil : i'm happy to see you two.

Ilena : glad to be back.

May : found out what you wanted?

Clara : nope,
Only more trouble.

As they are foghting back now,
They get over run,
By the remorath's,
As one tries to stick their blade in clara and another onto ilena.

They are stopped by the door opening up,
And by an immense power coming forth from it,
From out of the dark hallway,
Talbot steps out,

Ilena and clara power down,

Ilena : it's him.

Clara : we don't know that yet.

Talbot : suprise.

He uses his powers to lift the remorath's up and crushing them into themselfs and eventualy into nothingness.

After it he goes over towards coulson lifting him and the ground underneath them up,
And throught the ceiling,

Ilena : it's him clara!!

Clara : we don't know that yet ilena!!

May : know what yet?
What is he?

Clara : nothing.....
Ilena : the destroyer of worlds is not nothing clara!!

Mack : you are serious right now!
You know what he is?
And don't do anything?
It's clear to see that you got yn's gene's!!

Clara : we can't act until we know it!!
For the sake of the ti-!!
You know what...

Ilena : it's all fucked up clara you heard them!!

May : if you two would just stop right now!!
Then we can focus on getting coulson back.

Clara nods towards may,
Where as ilena keeps looking towards clara,

Ilena : you know what if dad was here he would have done something already.

With that ilena walks out of the room,
Quickly she is followed by yo-yo,
As they hear that daisy is almost back at the light house,

Mack : she has a point,
can't you just go back and keep yn here?

Clara : no.....

Fitz : what you mean no?
There has to be point for it,
Else i would not believe any of this.

May : tell us clara.

Clara : it's to coplicated to tell,
You wouldn't even believe me if i say it.

Jemma : then why don't you say it to me?

Jemma leads clara away,
Into a seperate room,

Jemma : so what is it?
That made you so afraid?

Clara : you know that ilena, skylar and me are from somewhere else,

Jemma : from the future,
Wich is weird if you consider that deke is from the future.

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