a legona's legacy

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the zephyr one lands down,
The loading bay ramp opens up,

Lopez : go ahead kid.

Clara : i'll be quiet fine.
I've got a meeting to get to.

Clara walks pit and heads straight towards a building,

The shadow team and coulson's team look a bit worried about clara,
But she will manage her own,

may leads a group of shield agents,
As mack joins her,

Lopez and his team head towards where they know yn is.

With may's team heading towards the location of hive,
They manage to spot the building,
They enter it with force,
But stumble on the ancient kree machine already activated,
Calling in the kree hunters hive is worried about.

May : everyone evacuate the building!

All but one agent escape's,
As a meteor hits the building,
Out of its wreckage two large blue skinned kree walk out,

May : do not engage these aliens.
Just follow them.

With lopez's team they stumble upon the pool bar,
where they enter,

James : the hell are you guys?

Lopez : your worst nightmare.

James : i'll see about that.

He picks up a couple of pool balls,
Making them explode as he throws them towards lopez, klein and vasquez,

Vasquez : it's almost the war in 2012 all over again.

Klein : now you remember i thought that you where sleeping.

James : i know those voice's,
You're yn's pals.

Lopez : yeah and who are you?

James : i've been in afterlive myself.

klein : sorry dude we arn't here for pleasantry's.

Klein shoots a dart into james's neck,
With the latter pulling it out making it explode into the wall behind klein,

James : now you've done it you little sociopath!!

He goes over to klein and wants to touch him,
But klein avoids him,

Lopez looks over towards vasquez and nods,

Both men shoot their dart gun's empty on james,
The man collapses ontop of klein,

Klein : any help guys??

Lopez : no.

Vazques : you asked for it erik.

Vazques and lopez exit the pool bar leaving klein behind to get up on his own,

Klein : you bastards,
Don't come running to me to help you guys next.

meanwhile with clara,
In the building she walked in,
Floor by floor she goes up,
Searching for something or someone,

as the last room she goes in to,
A bullet whizzes past her head,

Alisha : don't you try to come in.

Clara : alisha it's just me clara,
Remember me?

Alisha : clara?
What are you doing here,
You dont fight.

Clara : can i come in then?

Alisha : just close the door behind you.

Clara enters the room and closes the door just like alisha asked her to do,

the agent of shieldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora