time to fix

10 0 0

In the control room everyone is brought together,
Except for yn,
On a screen yn is seen sitting down,
Waiting on someone,

Phil : at least yn stopped the threat.
Even though ruby was just an innocent kid.

Daisy : used by hydra just like he was!
And you're talking about it like her life didn't matter coulson.

Ilena : he must have had his reason.

Deke : now we know who the destroyer really is.

Clara : yeah dad killed her!

Daisy remove's her ring,

The room falls silent,
As daisy taps on the keyboard and shits off the camera to yn's cell.

As she wants to go down there clara and ilena try to follow,
Daisy turns around,

Daisy : no, no, no,
You stay here,
Both of you stay!

Clara : but....

Daisy : no but's.
Just stay,
This is between me and him!

Both if them nod,
As daisy now goes down.

Yn looks towards the window,
Seeing her standing there,
Both just look to each other without saying anything,

After a couple of minutes,
Daisy enters,

Yn stands up,
And backs up until his back is against the wall,

Daisy : you know there was another way around, right?

Yn : letting her life?
Killing the person i love the most in the world?
Or let her destroy the entire planet?
I can't see wich one of those is more beter then the decision i took to save the world, dais!

Daisy : stop calling me dais, yn!
I almost got through to her,
Before you killed her!

Yn : i've done it before yo-yo could do it!
I wasnt going to let anyone else live with the burden i carry!

Daisy : you failed at that too.

Yn : how?

Daisy : i know now what that feels like yn,
The moment her body hitted the floor!
We are shield for god's sake!!
We help people!!
Even though if they are the danger themselfs!!
At least you should know!

Yn: don't compare me with her daisy!!
There is a fine line inbetween being born in hydra or being mind wiped and crontrolled!!

Daisy : what are you trying to say with that?
That we should have killed you the moment we saw you?
Cause if that's what you are thinking then i don't need this anymore!
I don't need us anymore!

Daisy goes over towards yn,
Grabbing his arm,
And putting her ring in his hand,

As daisy hesitate's before she backs up and leave's the room,
Yn looks down at it,

Yn : daisy......
I'm sorry that you think that way,
I wasn't thinking straight .....

Daisy : that's just it yn,
You always think too late,
Even with peterson, your mom, whitehall, hive, thanos and now with ruby!
Even with my parents ,yn !
Hiw can we continue being us,
When all you ever do is more damage then you want to do!
Imagine that it was ilena or clara!
What then yn?
Would you still live with it?
Or help them out of it?

Yn try's to anwser her,

Daisy : i would atleast try to help them through it,
So you can keep that yn.
A remembrance of what where you're actions leaded us to.

the agent of shieldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang