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(See the song as the intro)

As the man gives daisy and jemma a location
Daisy looks towards skylar and ilena,

Daisy : now what the hell are you two doing here?

Ilena : i can explain mom......

Daisy : then go ahead ilena.

Ilena : well i felt that you guys we're in danger.
I don't know what or how the blue idiot gets here.

Skylar : what was that?!
You ignorant dumb red head!!!

Ilena : blue idiot!!

Skylar : you know that i can throw you into space right?!

Ilena : then do it!

Daisy : both of you shut up!
Either you tell me or go away!

Both ilena and skylar stop their fist as they we're about to hit eachother in the face.

Skylar : i had the same as ilena,
The one that did this to clara was dad.
And i don't know where he is right now.

Daisy : if yn truely was here he would have said hi to me.

Skylar : about that.....

Ilena pushes skylar in her side.
Skylar looks towards ilena,
Who now nods no.

Skylar : you know what i'm going,
It was nice seeing you all.

Skylar vanishes.

Daisy : will you please stay ilena.

Ilena : i'm sorry mom....
But i can't,
I promised mack to help out around the base and the earth,
I could leave only for urgent emergency's.

Ilena vanishes aswell.

Jemma : any idea of what they meant with yn was here?

Daisy : no clue at all.
But anyway i'll get piper and davis.

As daisy leaves,
The man stands up and turns to jemma,

Man : if it's true that yn legona was here,
You should becarefull lady.
He is on a rampage.

At the space ship of the skrulls,
Where nick fury is on board,

Yn teleports in,

Nick : about time that you drop by yn.

Yn : where are they nick.

Nick turns around looking yn straight in the face as he walks past yn,

Nick : listen yn,
You see the skrulls heard radio shatter,
About a man with you're ability's,
A terran with great powers,
Going around the universe,
Setting fire and destroying planets left and right,
Some are even left behind as scroched earths,
No life forms are left on them,
Now please tell me that it wasn't you.

Yn looks towards nick as the man walks towards a window,
Looking out into the deep darkness of space.

Yn : did you know that she was alive?
And it doesn't matter that it was me or not,
I need to know where they are!

Nick : where who are yn?
And who is alive?

Skylar : stop it dad!!

Both men turn around seeing skylar standing there,
All powerd up,

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