I'd rather do this at HOME

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Enjoy the FMV


I had to stay overtime last night at work. There was a lot of paper work so I eventually decided to stay over night in the room built into my office because it was to much energy to walk home.


Mr Park walked into the school with my schedule.


mistake 1


mistake 2 

I'd rather have this day at home.


Yn's head cracked around in realisation. Why was she at work. Sooner or later everyone would think that there was a mad woman in the building breaking everything even worse... she made a meeting with Mr Jeon yesterday completely forgetting the date.


I went into yn's room to check up on her. It wasn't long before everything in the house would become a mess and I needed to remove any objects she could break and hurt herself with.

I entered her room and looked around... she wasn't there. I ran out of the room to get to her workplace to get to her on time. She needed me and this is the only time I can help her and she lets her emotion out and this is the time I need to be there for her and I didn't even notice she didn't come home last night... and I call myself her brother.


I walked into my butterflies company... it all looked the same but the aura was... different?

I walked to the receptionist and told her I had a meeting with Miss Min. She looked at me 

"Mr Jeon I know you have a scheduled meeting with Miss Min but she is in her office and not in the best of states right now I advise you don't go"

But I wouldn't take it. I purposely asked for a meeting today. Today was THE day and I wanted to be there

"Did I ask for your advice? No. Are you my adviser? No. I'm here to see Miss Min so give me a visitors badge and I'll be on my way."


I got out of my car and ran into the company. No one stopped me... everyone knew me. I didn't even bother looking at reception and went straight to her office.


Yoongi quietly opened the door just in case his sister would get more mad than expected, only to see a sight he had never wanted to see. His sister finding comfort in the arms of the killer... in the arms of Jeon Jungkook.

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