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First of all...

OMMMGGGGG 3D IS AMAAZING though he is getting quite westernized I got to admit :(

I miss the otherJUnGkoOOKkK although i do like this one as well ... :) if uk what i mean :)))))))


Yn sat in-front of her parents graves. She had recently been contemplating her dream. Whether she should tell her brother. Whether she should leave Jungkook. She should be loyal...right?


She should

But she knew there was no chance of her living a happy life if she couldn't have Jungkook.

So did she really have to live her life.

She shook her head.

She couldn't think like that. 

It only meant she was more weak like she was in the first place.

She might as well go back to the girl she used to be before Jungkook.


There was nothing she could think about without him coming to mind.

She thought again.

Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing about being here on earth.

She had heard stories about reincarnation.

As long as the red strings of fate stayed attached....

She'd meet them all in the next life.... 

She would let her reincarnated self feel all the happiness she deserved

A part of her burned thinking that her reincarnated self could feel all the happiness she longer for... but she might never get it without her decision...

What do you think she chose.... 

suicide or jungkook

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