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The day after, Zi-ning and Zhenghuan bade their grouchy acquaintance farewell and left the valley, taking a hidden path through a confusing maze of identical towering redwoods, shrouded in a cloud of thick mist.

When they emerged out the other side onto a sandy path that seemed to be one of the main roads leading towards the capital, Zi-ning turned back towards the woods they had come through, only to realise that she would likely not be able to trace her way back to the valley again. The way to the valley was protected by a natural barrier of forest and fog, and without the instructions given to them by Old Hu, they might not have been able to find their way out on their own. That was why Ru-an had never managed to locate the River Immortal in her previous life.

"We're not far from the northern city gate," Zhenghuan said. "If we continue walking in this direction, we should reach in less than two hours."

Zi-ning nodded, following alongside as they began their trek back towards Huangcheng.

It was a relief to finally be headed home, armed with a huanhun dan too, but there was also a worry that plagued her mind.

An entire week had passed since the bandit attack. By now, everyone would have presumed that she had perished from the cliff fall. However, even if she were to return to the Han manor unscathed, she would be ruined, because Lady Min would no doubt voice questions about her whereabouts during this period. A young lady, lost in the forest for an entire week. They could claim that she had been tainted by mountain bandits, and she would not be able to defend herself at all.

"Are you worried about what they'll say when you go home?" Zhenghuan asked, noticing the frown that marred her forehead.

Zi-ning pursed her lips together, saying nothing.

"I might have a solution."

"What?" She turned to look at him curiously.

"Marry me."


Zhenghuan kept a perfectly straight face, shrugging his shoulders. "It's either that or having everyone believe that you've been trapped with mountain bandits for a week. I'm sure I don't need to explain which one is the better option," he said. "I did save your life, so it would be perfectly acceptable for you to marry me out of gratitude."

"I would rather be a nun," Zi-ning blurted, the words just stumbling out of her mouth. In actuality, she wouldn't prefer to spend the rest of her days in a nunnery, but she was too appalled by Zhenghuan's suggestion to think reasonably.

Zhenghuan stopped. Then he burst out laughing.

This was the first time Zi-ning had heard the Shadow Lord laugh, and it was a mellow, mirthful sort of laughter that reminded her of the summer's warmth. A stark contrast to the cold and wry persona he typically wore.

"I was only joking," he confessed. "There's no need to be traumatised, and certainly no need to shave your head and become a nun. Although I must say, I'm a little insulted that you think of me as such a poor choice that you would rather choose a life of prayer instead."

A... joke.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. To think she had embarrassed herself by showing that she believed him to be serious about that proposal. Why would the Shadow Lord, one of the most powerful men in the kingdom, be proposing marriage to someone like her?

"I wouldn't consider marrying someone whose face I haven't even seen," she muttered, a little annoyed that he had played her for a fool.

"Hmm," Zhenghuan hummed. He looked thoughtful for a moment, then carried on walking. "Anyway, let's hurry to the village. I was joking about the marriage, but I wasn't lying about having a possible solution to your problem. Although that is contingent on whether or not we make it to the city gates quickly enough."

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