22.Sweets and Bitters (1)

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Edith pushed open the office door, just enough to catch a glimpse of her beloved's silhouette.

Andre sat sideways in front of his desk, quietly reading an official document in his hand. His body slightly leaned towards the window, where warm light illuminated his forehead. Waves of his shallow golden hair curled into a graceful arc, covering half of his cheek, accentuating his prominent nose.

She then pushed the door open halfway, yet he seemed to be still unaware of her presence, fully absorbed in reviewing the document, his face displaying the same serious expression he had in the National Convention and the Jacobin Club.

Seeing him so concentrated, a mischievous idea came to Edith's mind. She tiptoed to creep around behind him, intending to startle this stoic little leader.

"Why take the long way, Edith?" Just as she was about to give Andre's shoulders a good slap, he suddenly asked with a straight face.

The girl immediately lost her nerve and complained, "Looks like you're not as focused when working as I thought!"

Andre had already seen through her little trick and couldn't help but laugh. "You know, I have to be on alert."

"How did you come here?" He put down the document in his hand and turned to look at her.

"Margot made some sweets and asked me to bring some to you." Edith raised the basket in her hand.

"Isn't it because you miss me?" Andre said, slightly smug as he folded his arms.

"What's so strange about missing you?" Edith pouted, feeling wronged. "You're always working! Since we returned from Vendée, except for the two days I was ill, we've hardly had any time to be alone."

"I'm sorry, Edith." He felt extremely guilty and held her on his lap, lovingly kissing her hair.

With a sidelong glance, she saw the ill look upon his face, a result of days of intense labour. Andre was still able to effortlessly switch between his harshness of chilly autumn winds and the mildness of fresh spring water, but she sensed that this change was different from before.

Once, his enigmatic duality had enchanted her. His tender, lamb-like side was only revealed to her, making it all the more precious and endearing in her eyes.

But now, as he shed his stern facade in her embrace, he looked so weary, like a person drained of all strength collapsing all at once, causing her heart to ache for him.

"Try it, Sister's baking skills are amazing. You'll rave about it after you taste it." Edith pointed to the sweets on the desk.

He reached into the basket and took out a piece of sweet, holding it in his mouth without chewing. Instead, he suddenly leaned towards her lips.

Edith wasn't used to his sudden initiative today and blushed all at once. She gently bit the sweet and was about to bring it over from his mouth.

But Andre went straight ahead and snatched it away with his teeth, sucking in her lips along with the sweet. The rich sugar syrup melted in their mouths, spreading between their lips and tongues.

Doing such an intimate act in the office of a revolutionary made Edith's heart race.

Overcoming her shyness, she used her mouth to hold another piece of sweet and sat astride Andre's laps, feeding it to him. She bit the sweet, then bit his hot tongue, continuing this particularly treacly and ardent kiss.

Time seemed to stand still until the lovers finally parted, gasping for air, tenderly tracing each other's faces with their fingertips.

"Come to my bedroom tonight, dear Andre!" whispered Edith, with an unprecedented boldness shining in her amber eyes.

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