Dire News

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"You have done well, Yuki." Shifu said as the two walked back into the grounds of the Jade Palace.

"Done well?" Yuki scoffed. "I've done awesome!" She threw a fist into the air happily.

Shifu smiled some, "The mark of a true hero is humility. But yes, you have done awesome."

The two began laughing but paused when they heard a flapping sound. They turned and saw Crane heading their way. He was carrying..

Yuki gasped, "The Five!"

Shifu's eyes widened as Crane crashed into the ground with his load.

"Guys?!" Yuki dropped her bag and hurried to Tigress' side. "They're dead!" She gasped. "No.." she kneeled down and placed a hesitant paw on Tigress' arm. "They're breathing." Her ears flattened in confusion. "They're asleep?" Her gaze drifted to Monkey. "No, their eyes are open."

Shifu made his way over to the panting Crane.

"We were no match for his nerve attack." Crane puffed out.

"He's gotten stronger.." Shifu turned and went over to Mantis. He made some swiping motions and Mantis regained control with a gasp.

Yuki shifted her gaze over to Shifu, "Who? Tai Lung?"

Shifu fixed Monkey next. He bolted up, eyes wild. "He's too fast!"

Yuki looked back down at Tigress as Shifu fixed her. She gasped and curled up into herself. "I thought we could stop him.."

Yuki rubbed Tigress' arm soothingly.

"He could have killed you." Shifu scolded and made his way to Viper.

"Why didn't he?" Mantis asked.

"So you could come back and strike fear into our hearts." Shifu answered as he fixed Viper. "But it won't work."

"I mean..it might." Yuki moved her paw to Tigress' back as she sat up. "I'm pretty scared.."

Tigress turned her head to Yuki. A frown on her face.

"You can defeat him, Yuki!" Shifu gave her a firm look.

Yuki bristled, "Are you kidding? If they can't? They're five masters." Yuki lowered her head. "I'm just one me.."

Tigress grabbed Yuki's paw soothingly, earning a startled glance from the white tigress.

Shifu stepped towards the two as he addressed Yuki. "But you will have the one thing that no one else does."

Yuki's gaze drifted back to Shifu, confusion apparent on her face.

"The Dragon Scroll." Shifu finished.

Yuki's eyes grew wide, "You..really believe I'm ready?"

Shifu gave a firm nod, "I do." His gaze swept around the Five. "Come." He turned and headed off towards The Sacred Hall of Warriors.

Yuki hesitated, staring at the ground.

I don't know if I can do it..

Tigress rose and pulled Yuki to her feet, pulling a startled gasp out of the white tigress. "Stay strong." Was all she said before she followed Shifu.

With a small sigh, Yuki followed.

Shifu made his way over to Oogway's, no, his staff and slowly lifted it from the pedestal. Yuki hovered awkwardly behind him while the Five watched from the side.

Shifu then made his way over to a pool of water that held a grand dragon statue on the ceiling above. Scroll in its mouth.

Yuki watched in amazement as Shifu began doing a bunch of swift flips and twirls, waving the staff while he did so. He was creating a breeze over the water.

The flower petals that were resting on its surface began to twirl up towards the statue. One singular petal landed at the end of the Scroll, causing it to slip out of the dragon's mouth.

Yuki held her breath as Shifu shot his staff forward at the last second and caught the Scroll. Shifu pulled the Scroll towards himself and picked it up before then turning and holding it out to Yuki.

"Behold, the Dragon Scroll. It is yours."

Yuki reached out to take it but hesitated. "Wait.. What happens when I read it?"

"No one knows, but legend says you will be able to hear a butterfly's wing beat."

Yuki flicked an ear, "Why would I want to..?"

Shifu shrugged, "And see light in the deepest cave."

"I have night vision." Yuki stated bluntly.

"You..You will feel the universe in motion around you." Shifu continued.

Yuki flicked an ear.

"Just read it, Yuki, and fulfill your destiny. Read it and become the Dragon Warrior!"

Yuki slowly and hesitantly took the Scroll from Shifu. She popped the lid off with ease and handed that back to Shifu.

Should I do this? She glanced over her shoulder at Tigress who gave her a small, encouraging smile.

Yuki returned her gaze to the scroll and shook it out of its metal case. After handing that part to Shifu she sucked in a sharp breath and unrolled the scroll.

Yuki stared down at her own reflection, ears flattening to her skull. "Is this a joke? It's blank!"

"What?!" Shifu looked shocked.

"See?" Yuki held it down for him to see but he quickly backed away.

"No! I am forbidden to look upon.." he dropped his staff and quickly snatched the scroll. "Blank. I don't..I don't understand." He turned and gazed at the Five.

Yuki crossed her arms. "So Oogway was just a crazy, old turtle after all."

Shifu turned away, "No. Oogway was wiser than us all."

Yuki bristled and threw her arms out. "Oh, come on! Face it, he picked me by accident. He was about to point at Tigress and I fell in the way."

Tigress walked forward and placed a hand on Yuki's shoulder, her gaze on Shifu. "Who will stop Tai Lung?"

Yuki just lowered her head.

"He'll destroy everything and everyone." Crane added.

"No." Shifu turned to face them. He handed the closed scroll back to Yuki. "Evacuate the Valley. You must protect the villagers from Tai Lung's rage."

"What about you, Master?" Worry laced Tigress' words.

Shifu stared at the floor, "I will fight him."

Yuki's gaze snapped to Shifu, "What?"

Shifu shot her a glance, "I can hold him off long enough for everyone to escape."

"But Shifu.." Yuki flattened her ears in sadness, "He'll kill you."

Shifu turned to face her, "Then I will finally have paid for my mistake."

Yuki shared a terrified look with Tigress.

"Listen to me, all of you." Shifu turned to address the Five. "It is time for you to continue your journey without me. I am very proud to have been your master." He bowed.

Yuki and the Five returned the bow with depressed expressions on their faces.

Yuki watched as Shifu turned and walked back to the pool of water.

Tigress took Yuki by the arm and gently pulled her away. The rest of the Five were already heading out, heads lowered.

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