To Gongmen

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Shifu had gathered the Five as well as Yuki, outside of the Jade Palace.

"Are you familiar with the Master of Gongmen City?"

"Master Thundering Rhino..?" Yuki hesitantly asked.

"Yes." Shifu replied. "He's dead."

"What??" Yuki took the Scroll that was offered to her and read over it.

"That's impossible!" Crane said as Tigress leaned over Yuki's shoulder to read the scroll.

"Rhino's Horn Defense is impervious to any technique."

Yuki handed the scroll to Monkey as she and Tigress walked with Shifu.

"It was no technique. Lord Shen has created a weapon. One that breathes fire and spits metal." Shifu stopped and turned to face them. "Unless he is stopped, this could be the end of kung fu."

Yuki flattened her ears to her skull. "But I just got kung fu."

"And now you must save it." He turned and pointed with his staff. "Go! Destroy this weapon and bring Lord Shen to justice!"

The Five immediately leapt off but Yuki hesitated.

"But Shifu, how will we stop something that stops kung fu?"

"Remember, Dragon Warrior, anything is possible when you have inner peace." Shifu bowed his head to Yuki.

Yuki gave a slight nod before she hurried after the Five.

The group was running past Yuki's family store when Ping called out to his daughter.

"Oh, Yuki! I packed you a travel bag." He hurried out and dropped the bag in front of her, making everything tumble out.


"I packed you food for weeks! Oh, I even packed your action figures, see!" He held up a figure of Tigress and Yuki gasped.

Monkey laughed and pointed at it while Tigress just smirked.

"Dad!" She snatched it away and shoved it into the bag, face on fire.

Yuki glanced back as the Five stepped away to give them privacy.

"Um, they're waiting for me. I should go."

Ping sighed, "Of course, of course. You have a job to do.. Far from home, in a strange city, filled with strange people, and strange noodles, facing horrible dangers from which you may never return! Don't go, Yuki." Ping frowned.

Yuki shook her head, "I gotta go. I'm the Dragon Warrior. It's my job to save kung fu. And if I don't, what am I?"

"You're my daughter." Ping gave a small smile.

Yuki just flattened her ears sadly.

"Right?" Ping's smile disappeared.

"Yuki, it's time." Tigress stepped towards them.

"Um, goodbye." She grabbed the bag and pulled it onto her shoulders as she walked away.

Tigress smiled at Ping, "Don't worry, Mr. Ping. She'll be back before you can say 'noodles'." She turned and followed Yuki.

"I'll race you, Tigress!"

The group was high up in the mountains. Already far from home.

"You'll never win with that backpack." Tigress smirked.

"Try me!" Yuki challenged.

"She has spirit!" Viper called, admiring the white tigress.

Tigress shot Viper a look. "Spirit isn't enough to beat me." She turned her head to Yuki. "You're on!" She ran faster.

Yuki laughed and shot after her.

By mid-day, they had reached the snowy mountains. Yuki was feeling right at home. She flung a snowball at the back of Tigress' head and then acted like she didn't do anything.

Tigress' head whipped back towards the group. Eyes narrowed. Monkey pointed at Yuki as he ran.

"Hey!" She swiped at Monkey with her tail but he dodged with a laugh.

Viper was curled around Yuki's neck to stay out of the cold. "Oh, she's definitely going to get you for that." She chuckled.

"I'm sure she'll forget about it.. Maybe."

"Don't count on it!" Tigress called back, making Yuki grimace.

The group was now trudging through a desert. Yuki had found a stick to help her walk.

I need water.. Does that make me weak? Yuki shot a glance at Tigress. "Anyone thirsty?"

"Mmm.. Maybe a little." Crane spoke up.

"I'm parched!" Viper added.

"We need to keep moving." Tigress spoke up. Yuki pouted but stayed quiet.

Viper slithered her way up Yuki and unhooked the canteen from the bag. "Here." She held it out to Yuki.

"Oh, thanks, Viper!" She opened it and eagerly drank some water.

Tigress rolled her eyes.

The group was on a boat. It was nighttime. Yuki rolled over in her sleep with a small giggle.

That's a cute snowtiger, Yuki!

Yuki laughed as she was scooped up by a tall, white tigress.

Mama! Yuki giggled. Her brother laughed from next to said snowtiger. He'd helped her build it.

I love you! Her mother nuzzled her affectionately.

Yuki sniffled and slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and glanced around at the sleeping bodies of the Five.

With a sigh, Yuki rose and went outside. It was cold out, but Yuki welcomed it. She kneeled next to the edge of the boat and stared down into the water.

"Are you alright?"

Yuki glanced back at Tigress. "Bad dream." She looked back at the water.

Tigress made her way over and sat next to her.

"Sorry for waking you." Yuki closed her eyes.

"I wasn't asleep." Tigress nudged her gently with her shoulder. "Tell me about it."

Yuki just shook her head. Tigress reached over and placed a paw on Yuki's cheek. She turned her head so she would look at her. Yuki's face heated up at the contact.

Tigress gave a small smile, "I'm here to listen."

"I.." Yuki placed her paw on Tigress'. "I was dreaming about my mother." She closed her eyes. "My brother and I were making a snowtiger. She picked me up and nuzzled my cheek."

Tigress hummed quietly and just stared at her. Yuki opened her eyes and stared into Tigress'.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" Mantis called out.

Tigress quickly rose to her feet. "Nothing of import."

The rest of the Five followed Mantis out.

"Yuki just misses her family." Viper said with a kind smile directed at the white tigress.

Yuki rose, "Yeah. Don't mind me."

Tigress cleared her throat and got everyone's attention. She was looking out over the water. "We're here. Gongmen City."

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