Warehouse Battle

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Yuki snuck out not long after the Five had left. Master Ox was kind enough to wrap her ankle with a torn shirt. It wasn't much, but it would suffice for now.

"Take care, white tigress. Try not to die."

Yuki gave a snort when she thought about Ox's last words.

If I die saving China, then so be it.

Yuki slowed and ducked down when the warehouse Shen had disappeared into came into view.

There it is. She glanced around, trying to think of a way to get in unseen. Her gaze landed on a bamboo pole and a smirk grew on her face. She grabbed it and quickly launched herself across the water. She did a  barrel roll and shot behind some crates.

"What was that?" One wolf whispered.
"Let's check it out." Another joined in.

When the wolves rounded the corner of the crates, Yuki swiftly knocked them out.

She continued on. Bolting past the lead wolf from earlier. He was muttering angrily about the year of the peacock. Whatever that was.

Yuki bristled when she spotted a gorilla and quickly scaled the wall into the building. She glanced around warily once she was inside. The place was crawling with wolves. Yuki had to bite back a growl that was rising in the back of her throat.

"Move, you dogs! Faster, Faster. Load them all." Shen's voice echoed around the building.

Yuki narrowed her eyes in suspicion. How many more weapons does he have?

Yuki quickly leapt up a ladder and began moving across a high walkway. Shen suddenly laughed and Yuki halted.

"Greetings, white tigress." Shen emerged from the steam cloud that was blocking the rest of the walkway.

Yuki's ears flung back against her skull and she hissed. "Tell me what happened that night!"

"What night?" Shen asked, sounding innocent.

"That night!"

"Oh, that night!" Shen strutted around with a smirk. "Yes, I was there. Yes, I watched as your brother abandoned you. It's a terrible thing."

Yuki looked away in thought. If he abandoned me but also gave me to Ping.. Then he must still live!

"Are you ignoring me?!" He swiped at a chain with his talons, making a cauldron of lava swing at Yuki.

Yuki gasped as the walkway where she was standing was destroyed. Before she could fall, she clung to the bottom of the cauldron.

At that moment, the Five blasted through the door with a flaming cart. Tigress shoved it forward at some wolves.

"Here's your New Year's gift." Monkey shouted.

"Hope you like it 'cause you can't return it." Mantis added while the Five laughed.

Yuki yelled out in frustration as she started losing her grip.

Tigress spun around when she heard her. "Yuki? What's she doing here?"

Monkey began freaking out as he ran back towards the wolves. "Return it! Return it!" He leaped up onto the cart and tried to put the flames out. The rest of the Five followed suit.

Yuki lost her grip but quickly threw her other paw up to gain a new grip. Shen laughed as he watched her. "Are you willing to die to find the truth?"

"You bet I am!" Yuki yelled as she leapt up to where Shen was. Yuki shot forward awkwardly with her bad ankle and tousled with Shen. He ended up knocking her over the side onto a conveyor belt. She landed with a grunt.

Shen paced above as he watched Yuki flail on the belt. It led right down into a bowl of lava. Yuki began running as fast as she could. Eyes shooting around for something to jump to.

Suddenly, Yuki tripped and began falling with a terrified shriek. She grabbed a fork at the last second and plunged it into the belt, making her dangle from it as it took her safely away from the lava. She let out a sigh of relief.

Yuki hopped up onto some gears and rode them back up to where Shen was. He was still staring where Yuki had disappeared to. With a roar, Yuki leapt down at him, making the startled peacock turn and begin fighting with her.

Shen leapt away with a cry, and suddenly Yuki was swarmed by wolves.

"Yuki!" Tigress yelled. She blasted a wolf in the face with her hind paw and sent it flying into the wolves that were swarming Yuki.

Yuki rose once she was able to and leapt to a chain. A dangerous glare on her face as she watched Shen.

"Yuki, get away from him!" Tigress called to her.

Yuki leapt up to the platform with Shen. She still held onto the fork and flung it at Shen as he turned to run. It landed perfectly around his neck and pinned him to a wall.

"No more running, Shen."

"So it seems." He used his foot to pull the fork out.

"I want answers."

"Oh, you want to know so badly." He panted. "You think knowing will heal you, huh? Fill some crater in your soul?"

Yuki glared at him.

"Well, here's your answer. Your parents didn't love you. They ordered your brother to get rid of you. To take you as far away as possible."

Yuki pinned her ears back, eyes welling with tears.

"But here, let me heal you!" He leapt and uncovered a hidden cannon.

Yuki gasped and slowly backed away.

Shen held a maniacal grin as he lit the fuse. The cannon released a terrifying metallic snarl as it blasted a cannonball of fire right at Yuki.

Yuki squeezed her eyes shut as it crashed into her and threw her backwards at a rapid speed. She just barely heard Tigress yell out in panic before she was blasted out of the building.

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