Chapter 8 Conflict: Don't Lose to You.

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Early the next day, the military aircraft sent by the military parked in the research institute's parking area.

After Pei Hengzhi and Shen Shizhou finished their work handover, they boarded the aircraft and headed to the selection base.

He had received a notice to manage the mecha students at the military base, and at first he thought it was Fu Dongni's request, which made him happy for a while. But later, Fu Dongni did not contact him at all, so Pei Hengzhi understood that there was something suspicious about this.

The military has a dedicated communication channel, and if Fu Dongni doesn't contact him, he has no way to talk to her.

It had been several days since he last saw her, and he couldn't help but think of her, perhaps due to his dependence on the marking period. So after thinking about it, he agreed to the military's request.

At least he could see Fu Dongni after he went in.

The base was very large and completely enclosed, and only those with military chip passes could enter.

Upon entering the gate, the first thing that caught his eye was a green lawn with many merit walls standing in it.

Pei Hengzhi roughly browsed through them and found that almost every marshal since the establishment of the empire was on the merit wall, except for Fu Yun.

Turning right after entering the door was a large military training ground, with rows of mechas numbered and on standby, and mecha students standing on the side, while the people at the control tower were announcing the grouping for the mecha selection competition.He withdrew his gaze and stopped looking, then went to the command room with the accompanying soldiers to report in.

Pei Heng thought he would see Fu Dongni in the command room, but when he pushed the door open, it was Man Man sitting in front of the desk.

Unlike his disappointment, Man Man's eyes lit up. She stood up the moment he came in and greeted him, "Pei Xuedi, you finally came! I've been waiting for you!"

Pei Heng frowned uncomfortably and looked around the command room. "Miss Man, where is General Fu?"

"Why do you care?" Man Man said proudly, "She's no longer in charge of this project. She might be somewhere else enjoying herself."

Since Fu Dongni wasn't there, Pei Heng didn't say much to Man Man. After finding out where the mecha repair room was, he turned around and was about to leave.

Man Man became anxious and said, "Pei Xuedi, please wait!"

"I specifically requested Marshal Xi to invite you here. You probably saw the training ground on your way here. The second round of mecha selection is starting today, and the mechas are bound to have some bumps and bruises. You don't need to worry about minor adjustments. The main reason I asked you to come is to deal with unexpected situations, such as the problems with my mecha..."

As she spoke, she chuckled and reached out to grab him.

However, as soon as her fingers touched Pei Heng, a strong burst of Alpha pheromones erupted in the air.Alpha and Alpha's pheromones naturally repel each other, so the sense of suppression is most direct. Mu Man had never encountered an Alpha with such terrifying pheromones before. The scent of the deep sea made her suffocate in an instant. If she didn't stop in time, she would drown on the spot.

"Fu Dongni didn't mark you, did he..." Mu Man's entire arm went numb, her back covered in cold sweat, and her face looked very ugly. "How could this be..."

If a marked Omega feels threatened, they can release the pheromones that the Alpha left in their glands to protect themselves.

But she vaguely remembered that Pei Hengzhi and Fu Dongni were distant and polite to each other on the second day of their marriage.

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