Chapter 30 Secret 05 5.18

154 11 2

Fu Dongni subconsciously twisted her body and created some distance between them.

Turning back to look at Pei Hengzhi, his gaze was shallow and carried some indiscernible emotions, obviously sensing something and silently questioning her.

Fu Dongni raised her hand to touch the back of her neck, thinking about Bai Yan's crazy embrace and kisses, feeling a momentary exhaustion in her eyes. "Can we talk about this later when we get back?"

Pei Hengzhi didn't move, standing at the door of the cabin, the wind blowing his hair in front of his forehead, revealing his clear and refined eyebrows.

They were silent for a moment.

Somehow, Fu Dongni noticed that Pei Hengzhi's originally calm and indifferent features now had a slightly intimidating aura.

"Did you let him kiss you?" Pei Hengzhi asked softly.

"No," Fu Dongni spoke the truth.

Pei Hengzhi reached out to touch her face again, and now her lips were slightly swollen and red. He heard his own voice suppressing deep emotions, "Did he also cause the injury on your face?"

Fu Dongni didn't answer.

Pei Heng stared at her intently, "Fu Yi, did you really hit back?" 

Fu Dongni's lie was exposed right in front of him, and under his repeated questioning, his head began to ache. 

"Can we stop talking about him?" She rarely made promises like this to anyone anymore, but she looked into his eyes, thought for two seconds, and said seriously, "As your partner, Pei Heng, I will be loyal to you." 

Pei Heng told himself that he was already with her now and that he should learn to be content. 

Given her personality, the fact that she could make such a solemn promise to him meant that she had definitely cut off any possibility between herself and Bai Yan. 

Unfortunately, the prefix of her promise was like a raging fire, burning his throat and causing him pain. 

"Is it just because we're partners?" Pei Heng's lips curved into a bitter arc, and he asked with some despair, "Not because you like me?" 

Hearing the word "like," Fu Dongni was slightly stunned. 

Her shocked expression said it all, and Pei Heng's heart sank. He could barely breathe as he answered her one word at a time, "Fu Yi, you don't like me." 

She would do what she should as a partner, and she was doing just that.But this is not because of love for him, but rather due to her sense of responsibility ingrained in her genes and bones.

After realizing this fact, a great sadness enveloped Pei Hengzhi.

He never had a chance to have her before, so he could just watch her from afar without disturbing her, even if he saw her embracing and kissing Bai Yan, or saw her unwavering tenderness towards him. But now that he is married to her, every trace of Bai Yan and her relationship becomes unbearable torture for him.

After staying up late for several days to work on the sensor, Pei Hengzhi was already mentally exhausted when he walked out of the meeting room. He was already pushing himself, hoping to receive praise from Fu Dongni as soon as possible.

But she didn't mention anything.

Overwhelmed by exhaustion, a wave of dizziness hit Pei Hengzhi, causing him to sway and almost fall off the escalator.

Fu Dongni quickly caught him by the waist, just like she did in their physical education class when he was about to fall.

The two of them fell into the seats of the spacecraft in a falling posture.

After Forced Marriage [Female A Male O] (ChatGPT translation)Where stories live. Discover now