Chapter 65, Turbulent Waves 03, updated with chapters 1 and 2.

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After Fu Dongni joined up with the fleet headquarters driving Ihctil, she stood in the command room, listening to reports from various fleets and observing the Zerg attack formation through the display screen.

There are many highly intelligent creatures among the Zerg. They are more cunning and cruel than humans, but also more united. Therefore, the breakout strategy is not effective in this situation.

However, even though there are thousands of types of Zerg, the major categories remain unchanged. As long as it is a living organism, it will have weaknesses.

"ABCDE five anchor points, among which the Zerg formation in area C is the most tightly packed. Without exception, their core forces are hidden behind it." Fu Dongni pointed to a certain location on the battlefield map with her hand and quickly gave orders, "Deploy the two tail wing fleets, with all the battleship members composed of mecha teams, and focus on attacking the C anchor point."

Hearing this, the staff officer of the first fleet cautiously said, "General, this approach is likely to be a futile effort. Not only will we not be able to break through, but we will also sacrifice our mecha warriors in vain."

"What's the rush," Fu Dongni said calmly, "No matter which anchor point is attacked, with the Zerg's mobility, the Zerg from the other anchor points will surely surround us in an instant. Attacking the most heavily defended C anchor point is precisely because it is the most core and difficult to raid location."

She looked at the two tail wing fleets that were already prepared, and a glint flashed in her eyes, "The Zerg attaches great importance to this position and will not take risks here. Once the Zerg from the other anchor points come to support, the other anchor points will be relatively easier to raid."

After thinking for a few seconds, the staff officer also understood Fu Dongni's intention and exclaimed excitedly, "In this way, even if the tail wing battleships are entangled by the Zerg, it doesn't matter because they can activate their self-destruct mechanism to maximize their combat power, and the mecha warriors inside the battleships can also escape while piloting their mechas. The casualties caused by the raid can also be minimized!"

Fu Dongni sat back in her command chair and smiled at the staff officer, "We can prepare to depart now."

The staff officer saluted respectfully, "Yes, General!"After a moment, as expected by Fu Dongni, when the two flanking fleets approached the C-zone waypoints, the rest of the Zerg quickly sent reinforcements to the other waypoints.

The warships filled with mecha soldiers, after being surrounded by the enemy, quickly piloted the mecha to escape the exploding countdown, using a program that had already been set up to attract more Zerg.

Countless Zerg were torn apart and shattered in the explosion.

At this moment, all remaining fleets and mecha assault teams concentrated on breaking through from the weakest enemy force in the E-zone.

Waves of white light exploded in the galaxy, revealing the frenzied postures of tens of thousands of creatures slowly emerging from the vast depths of space.

Their blood-red eyes seemed to know nothing of death, never considering leaving themselves any way out in order to devour their enemies.

Fu Dongni stared at the image transmitted from the front line, as a giant bloodthirsty beast with angry and unwilling eyes was instantly reduced to dust by the main cannon of the warship.

Apart from their innate brutality, she saw in the eyes of this bloodthirsty beast emotions that went beyond mere plundering.

It was not just a pure opposition based on resource competition, but rather a hatred towards humanity.

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