Chapter 61 Unexpected Change 04 6.21

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The fact that the defense system has been hacked is self-evident.

Fu Dongni paused for a moment, snatched Yang Xingwu's communicator and quickly asked a few questions. When she heard the other party say "I don't know who hacked it," a rare expression of anger appeared on her face.

"There's a traitor in the fortress!" Yang Xingwu gritted his teeth and came to this conclusion.

Fu Dongni quickly regained her composure and responded to the situation: "Investigate the cause of the hack, fix the system vulnerabilities, at all costs! At the same time, put all fleets and mechs on standby, strengthen the detection of the Zerg around Houpu Star, and report immediately once any abnormality is detected!"


After receiving the order, Yang Xingwu carefully looked up and asked Fu Dongni, "General, with the current situation, are you still planning to leave?"

Fu Dongni fell silent for a moment.

The piercing alarm echoed in her ears, and the chilly autumn wind mixed with the atmosphere of Houpu Star blew on her face. She had lived here for almost four years and knew that she was a kind of spiritual pillar for the people here. She also knew that if the defense system was compromised, it wouldn't be long before the Zerg would be alerted.

She was very clear that staying here was the right decision.

But when she lifted her gaze towards the direction of the hospital and thought of Pei Hengzhi waiting for her there, for some reason, she couldn't say the words "I'm not leaving."As soon as Fu Dongni hesitated to answer, Yang Xingwu knew her decision.

After following her for so long, there was no reason why he couldn't read her expression.

Yang Xingwu handed the key to the flying machine to Fu Dongni, giving her some time for herself: "General, we'll be waiting for you at the fortress."

Fu Dongni forced a smile, took the key, and hurried to the hospital with her luggage.

The medical staff and patients passing by were accustomed to the alarm coming from the fortress, thinking it was just a simple military exercise and continued with their own tasks.

Fu Dongni hurriedly made her way through the hospital.

She wasn't wearing her military uniform today, just a plain black coat.

Before the door of the ward, Fu Dongni took a deep breath, adjusted her expression, and knocked twice before entering.

In the bright room, Pei Heng lay on his side with the blanket only covering his waist.

He seemed to have been staring at the door, and his eyes lit up like fireflies when he saw her: "Fu Yi, you're here!"

He half sat up, wearing her military jacket because it still carried her pheromone scent. When she was not around, he would wear it as if she was still holding him.

"Feeling better?"

Fu Dongni walked up to him and sat on the edge of the bed, helping him button up his shirt.

"Much better."

Pei Hengzhi obediently let her help him dress, his pale golden eyes as clear as ever. Seeing Fu Dongni open her mouth and then close it, he had a vague premonition and asked her softly, "We can't leave, can we? I heard the alarm just now, something happened at the fortress?"

"Yes, there's a problem with the air defense system," Fu Dongni didn't hide anything, nodding before shaking her head. "But we can still leave. I've already bought you a ticket for the starship, Yan San and Ji Er have also been informed. Yan San will be responsible for protecting your safety, and Ji Er will personally go to the starport to pick you up. The hospital has also been contacted, and Professor Shi may assist with the consultation."

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