Chapter 41, Sinking 04, May 30th.

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"Get out!"

Pei Zheng's face was red and his neck was thick, almost jumping with rage. He gestured and pointed towards the Pei family's front door, "Get out of here immediately! Don't bother me!"

The busy servants in the kitchen heard the argument and hurried out, softly persuading, "Sir, breakfast is ready. Why don't you let the young master have breakfast..."

"What breakfast?!" Pei Zheng angrily retorted, "I'd rather feed it to the dogs!"

Fu Dongni glanced at the pale-faced Pei Hengzhi, raised his hand to push away Pei Zheng's hand blocking his way, and sneered, "I wasn't planning on having breakfast anyway."

She didn't say anything more, took Pei Hengzhi's hand, and walked straight out.

The front door slammed shut with a bang.

All of Pei Zheng's anger and embarrassment were shut out behind the door.

The two walked to the parking area for the aircraft. Pei Hengzhi looked at her silent expression and couldn't help but pull her back, "Fu Yi, don't go yet."

"He said those things, why shouldn't we go?" Fu Dongni took out the key and opened the door to the aircraft's cabin."Data," Pei Heng expressed his concern, "We don't even know the comparison data of the blood sample yet, and we're just leaving like this. Isn't all the clues we've obtained so hard wasted?"

"It's not wasted, I remember it all," Fu Dongni pulled him by the waist and pushed him onto the aircraft, "When he handed me the report just now, I had already seen the results."

Pei Heng was surprised, "You only need the results, not the specific data?"

"Hmm," Fu Dongni nodded, leaned over, and fastened his seatbelt, "For me, specific data is useless. I only need the results."

The similarity of the pheromone comparison is 90%.

This result is already enough to explain some things.

Pheromones with such a high degree of similarity can only be achieved if they have a direct blood relationship and the pheromones are of the same type, either Alpha or Omega.

Not to mention that Ye Qi and his parents are all Beta. She checked his background and found that he is the only child in the family, so there is no possibility of having other siblings.

So, the only reason why the mutant Beta pheromone sample that Xi Yan handed over to the research institute is so similar to Ye Qi's pheromone is that they both have been supplemented by some external force.

Ye Qi's pheromone and the pheromone in the Beta body that was used to collect the sample were both supplemented by some external force.This also explains why Ye Qi, as a Beta, can manipulate information-sensing mechas.

"No wonder Xi Yan is in such a hurry to upgrade the information-sensing sensor. Ye Qi and others have been promoted so quickly," Fu Dongni's eyes were cold and sharp, "It seems that now manipulating mechas doesn't require real skills."

Once the new sensors are mass-produced, Betas can use information-sensing mechas stably. Although the power is still not comparable to higher-level AOs, physical fitness will be greatly improved. If the mecha operator is skilled, they can also use techniques to make up for the remaining shortcomings.

However, Xi Yan's approach has made his own efforts a bit ridiculous and irrelevant.

If there is a way to supplement information elements, as long as the concentration of information elements is sufficient, there is no need to worry about not being able to enhance strength.

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