Chapter 66 - Turmoil 04 6.26.

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When Fu Dongni woke up from the impact, she stared at the seemingly eternal blackness of the universe and the part of the Zerg chasing after her from behind for a while before coming back to her senses.

Memories from a moment ago flooded into her mind at the same time.

"Activate ship defense!"

"The air defense system is attacking us indiscriminately. General, please get into your mecha and leave quickly!"

"Don't worry about us, General. Please, we beg you, get into your mecha and leave quickly!"

"Mecha team, cover us!"

"We can't get into the fortress now. The mecha team has suffered heavy losses, and the Zerg behind us are in hot pursuit! If you hesitate any longer, none of us will survive!"

"Let's go! Let's go!"

The hoarse voice of the staff officer in the battleship still echoed in her ears.

She closed her eyes lightly and saw herself driving Ihctil and her companions getting farther and farther away; she saw the two mecha teams that had originally escaped from the Zerg being reduced to ashes under the attack of the fortress; she saw the bloody faces of those who sacrificed themselves to block the Zerg that had come after hearing the news...Fu Dongni didn't know how she escaped, she only remembered the moment she looked away, feeling powerless anger for the first time.

She never shied away from political struggles, but only on the premise that it wouldn't cost lives.

These vibrant lives, filled with hot blood to defend the border, were about to receive honors and reunite with their families, but in the end, they didn't die on the battlefield, but at the hands of politicians.

Fu Dongni wiped away the liquid on her face, not knowing if it was sweat or tears.

Clenching her teeth, pushing aside her mixed emotions, she pulled the control lever all the way and sped out of the Zerg's encirclement.

Whether the fortress had returned to normal was unknown. The part of the Zerg that was originally not a threat became somewhat rampant because she was the only one left. She dared not look back and could only drive the mech to find a safe place to land.

The nearby satellite communication points had already been destroyed when the Zerg invaded, and the communicator couldn't send any messages.

Fu Dongni had to escape while flipping through the galactic map.

The nearest landing point to Houpuxing was either unsuitable for the environment or showed that it had been occupied by the Zerg. She had no choice but to go further off the route.

She didn't know how long it had been when a green flashing point finally appeared on the detection map.Following closely behind the system prompt, "Nearby planet found for docking, nearby planet found for docking."

Fu Dongni quickly clicked on the planet details, but when she saw the name of the planet, she was momentarily stunned.

"Are you ready to dock at Kalius Star?" the system asked.

Fu Dongni opened her mouth but didn't say anything for a moment.

She knew deep down that drifting through the galaxy like this was not a sustainable solution, and her mech's energy would eventually run out.

"Are you ready to dock at Kalius Star?" the system asked again.

Fu Dongni slowly clenched her hand, closed and opened her eyes, and finally confirmed in a hoarse voice, "Yes."

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