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Helping a man bleeding out in my kitchen wasn't how I planned to spend my evening.But if I didn't help him I'd be portraying the attitude of my dearest brother and father,the damn people I wish not to be related to.Quickly,I ran to the bathroom for the first aid kit and bolted for the kitchen to deal with the stranger who luckily hasn't died of blood loss.

Why am I so unlucky today?

Looking at him again just had me pissed.But the guy could kill me if he wanted to,given his physique.And with all the houses in this community,he just had to end up here.

If this is destiny,I don't want any of it.The universe can take it's destiny and shove. it.

Good thing the guy is still alive

Wait why am I glad he's still alive?

Right,don't want a dead body in my house.

Last thing I need is for me to disgrace the Quinn family name.

Note the sarcasm in the above sentence ladies and gentlemen.

Amidst the fatigue the stranger had,he eyed me curiously as I kneeled down near him, placing the first aid kit beside me.I reached for his shirt to deal with the problem only to have him grab my arm with a painful grip.

Bitch I'm helping you

For someone whose lost a lot of blood he sure is strong.

"What are you...doing?"He groaned in pain.

Helping your sorry ass

"Saving you from death of blood loss"

He slowly let go of my arm,letting his fall limp on the floor.His breathing was slowing down but not too much for him to die which was a good sign for me.I opened the kit and pulled out a pair of scissors and started cutting away the bloodied fabric of his shirt.The stab wound was large with blood gushing out,ruining my white tile floor.

Ugh,more cleaning.

Oh joy

To those judging me I'll have you know that I don't give a shit about your opinion.

Y'all can shove it.

I took some disinfectant wipes and started cleaning the wound and around it.The blood was a lot.It's a miracle the guy hasn't died yet.Once I was done cleaning the wound and disinfecting it I wrapped it in a cotton gauze.There,that should do it.Now for the flo-

"W-water"The stranger grumbled.

I'll be your maid then.

I took bottled water from the fridge for him.Unscrewing the cap I brought it closer to his lips and he drank to his fill.I had to carry him to the living room.This guy is huge and I don't think I can move him an inch.I crouched down and hauled his uninjured arm over my shoulders and held his waist for support.This would look be a comical scene.A 5"5 man carrying a 6"2 guy.

What a laugh.

Thankfully he was still a bit conscious and was able to walk straight.I sat him on the couch and propped up some pillows for his injured arm.I looked at him as he lay on the couch and.....he's a real looker.His face looked peaceful in sleep.His hair was a shiny raven black with a bit of curls.He has a chiseled jaw and a decent amount of facial hair.Looking at him again it felt like I've met him somewhere,but I can't put my finger on where.

Bummer he got injured and had me go through that tedious job of cleaning his wound.A bit of sleep and a visit to the doctor will do him some good.I went back to the kitchen to deal with the bloody mess on the floor.Cleaning blood is more of a pain than anything else.Especially dried blood on a white smooth surface.I went through two bottles of bleach to clean that.Now my kitchen will smell of bleach.

𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂 𝑩𝒐𝒔𝒔(𝑴𝒙𝑴)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara