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In a comfy looking office, Damien sat watching his phone. He looked calm, almost as if he was reading something interesting on his phone when he was in fact, not. A beautiful young beta was standing in front of his desk, looking slightly scared and extremely uncomfortable. Why?

Because her boss had called her here 15 minutes ago but he hadn't said a word to her since she got there. She tried calling his name a few times but he wouldn't answer her.

The worst part was his scent. Betas in general were not affected by the smell of an alpha or an omega except when the scent becomes too strong which just makes them feel uncomfortable.

Her boss's scent was not unpleasant, it was surprisingly relaxing for an alpha's scent. She liked the smell of lavender actually but that didn't mean that she wanted to get a nosefull of angry lavender. His scent was spiking higher and higher as the seconds passed, as if the more he watched whatever was on his phone, the angrier he became.

What worried her more was that his face betrayed nothing at all. He looked as calm as ever. However..... his usual warm hazel coloured eyes had a slight red ring around it or was she just imagining it?

"Clara, cancel all my meetings for the rest of the day" even his voice was calm, what the hell is happening?

Forcing away her nausea, she nodded abrubtly and opened her mouth to ask where he was going but he was....gone.

"Oh thank God." She breathed but then paused "wait, sir!!! Where're you going?"

She tried hurrying after him in her heels but he was already gone.

"The chairman is going to be so angry" she whined

Damien drove like a mad man on the streets. He stared unblinkingly at the road as he drove. Thoughts a billion miles away as his eyes turned slightly redder than they were in the office.

He was loosing control and for the first time in his life, he wanted to be out of control.

With slightly shaky hands, he parked the car in front of an apartment complex and got out quickly. With quick precise steps, he rushed to the elevator. Getting out after he got to the 4th floor, he knocked urgently on a door to his left.

He stood there with bated breath as the door opened to reveal a sleepy eyed Mason, who's eyes widened immediately upon seeing him. The door almost swung shut in Damien face but he pushed it open and drew Mason into a powerful hug that had the beta melting like a pile of gooey goo in his arms.

It's wondrous how the scent of your alpha can just make you loose yourself. Mason unconsciously hugged back and burrowed his nose in Damien's neck where his strong scent was pungent the most. Mason lost his mind then and there. He forgot who he was with and that he was angry at him. He forgot everything.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Damien said holding Mason close and inhaling his scent as well.

"What're you talking about?" Mason said, trying to break free of the hug as he slowly forced himself to get a grip.

"I saw the video, that alpha pointed a gun at you and almost shot you." Damien nearly growled the words out almost making Mason's knees weak.

He felt oddly awkward for some reason. All his anger had suddenly disappeared and his beta was giddy at the attention the other was giving him. What was going on?

"Ah....that, I'm fine...." he trailed off for a bit and looked in Damien's eyes.

A sudden realization dawned on him as he studied the alpha's face.
His face was calm like he was just talking about the weather but his eyes....Damien's eyes looked almost menacing.

That was when he realized the scent as well.

"Shit, shit, shit" he said as he tried to back away. "You're in your rut? How?!"

Damien put a hand on his forehead and sighed. It was supposed to come next month, not now.

"Hurry and get out!!" Mason said frantically.
He could almost feel his body responding furiously to the alpha's scent. He had never been so affected by anyone before in his life, not even Beryl's scent could do this to him.

"Not until I make sure you're alright" Damien held him by the hand and ran his big warm hands around Mason's body chaotically searching for a wound on the beta's skin

Mason felt lightheaded as the alpha roamed his hands all over his body. He was supposed to push him away, completely forget about him and fix himself. He's not supposed to allow him in, but he felt his defense weakening against the alpha.

The pair found themselves consumed in lust, reliving their fantasies all night. The alpha felt the bond with his mate deep in his soul. He wanted to tell him the truth, to clear his angel's mind of all misunderstandings.

But he can't do that

Not until he knows that it will be safe to tell him

Damien reluctantly let go of his mate and started to dress up. He glanced at the beta laying in bed, his soft black hair sprayed on the pillow and the prominent hickeys littered across his chest and neck. It was a good thing he didn't mark him

Quietly he left the apartment and drove home

"Why the hell did you cancel the meeting with H&M Productions?" his father questioned as soon as the alpha entered the hall.

"Hello to you too father" Damien sighed and grabbed the decanter, pouring a glass.

H&M productions is one of the largest production company in the country. They have been in collaboration with several entertainment agencies and made films which ranked number one in the box office.

André Quinn did everything possible to make an appointment with H&M and now that has all gone to waste

"I said why did you cancel the meeting?! Do you know what it took me to get that meeting?!" his father raged on, blaming the young alpha for throwing away such a good opportunity to grow the company.

Damien didn't care about the meetings he missed and what not. Nothing is more important than his angel.

André Quinn glared at the young alpha and sighed. His son wasn't like this... he never disobeyed him before, unlike Beryl.... that unruly child.

A video popped up on his screen when he picked up his phone with a text attached to it

You need to see this

The video started with an omega similar to his son being carried by some alpha into a black sedan. He refused to believe that the omega in the video was his son

It can't be him....

He watched the video several times but no matter how he saw it the omega in the video was definitely his son

But who the hell was that alpha?

The alpha called one of the men he hired to watch his son. He needed to make sure that his ungrateful son was still alive

"Look for the alpha in that video. I don't care how you do it, find him. And bring my son to me, alive"

Whoever that alpha is, he will soon learn never to cross André Quinn


Thanks for reading 🦋

Hope you liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter

𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂 𝑩𝒐𝒔𝒔(𝑴𝒙𝑴)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя