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I woke up in my bed, looking around the room.It looked hazy in my eyes and.....wait


Did he.....no,he couldn't.I just met him and he's a complete stranger to me.

But those eyes.....

Mason came in the room holding a tray of orange juice and scrambled eggs with bacon.He eyed me with concern, walking slowly towards me.

"You alright Beryl?"

My head was still spinning from the effect of the pheromones.Phermones from an alpha I've never seen in my life.And I'm a dominant omega.

"I'll survive"I said smiling.He didn't seem to believe me,I don't blame him.He set the tray down and touched my forehead.I sighed.

"I only fainted Mace, I'll be fine"The beta shot me the you-don't-fool-me look.He picked up the tray and placed it on my lap with some herbal tea beside it.

"Eat and drink that"Mason said, pointing the herbal tea.It looked green and gross and not looking tasty.I gagged.My sweet tooth won't be able to withstand the bitter taste.

"Scotch would be better"I mumbled.

Oh....my sweet tooth is also my alcohol tooth.If that's a thing.

"Scotch will go down the drain if that glass isn't empty"Mason threatened.

How I audibly gasped.My so called friend rolled his eyes at me

My precious scotch,the holy grail,the holy water,my love,my best friend (excluding Mace[annoying beta] and Esme [equally annoying Alpha] ).He wouldn't dare.....

"Oh yes I would"Mason sneered menacingly, answering my silent question.I glared at my so called best friend.Mason crossed his arms and looked at me."Well,what's it gonna be?"

"Fine.I'll drink it"I pouted,still glaring at the beta.The scrambled eggs were tasty and my stomach purred in happiness to being full.Nothing's more amazing than your best friend being a good cook.

The green tea looked so green and gross.I scrunched up my face in disgust.Just looking at it makes me want to hurl my breakfast.

"Drink it"he ordered.He may be a beta but don't underestimate him.His voice dripped with authority.Even with me being a dominant omega I got terrified of him.Quickly I took the green tea and sipped.

Yuck! So bitter!

Mason cast me a bored look."That doesn't mean you drank it".I whined,the tea is so bitter.I'd take scotch over this nasty thing.

"Stop being a bitch and drink it."

Jeez,this guy... I'll kill him for this.I pinched my nose and chugged down the tea,my gag reflexes acting up.I slammed the glass down on the tray to look up and glare at mason only to see him smiling like he won the goddam lottery.
"Now that wasn't bad now was it?"

I swear I could kill him right now with the gun in my drawer.If looks could kill,he would've been dead five times over.The beta crossed his arms and shrugged."Glare all you want, you'll be grateful when you feel better.I'm leaving,Es will stop by"

He headed for the door and paused when he held the door knob, opening the door slightly."I have questions to ask later"he said before leaving.

I don't like this


I got up from bed and decided to walk around since my leg muscles became stiff from laying in bed for so long.

I walked up to the liquor cabinet for a drink and to check if mace didn't pour all down the drain.I whimpered just thinking about it.My precious babies.Luckily,the whiskey and scotch decanters were full,but I went for orange juice to wash down the bitter tea.

I went out back and saw dried out blood smudges on my kitchen door.Funny I didn't see that when I was bleaching out the white tile floor.A reminiscence of last night.

Who was that guy?

Not gonna lie he was incredibly handsome but the looks isn't what I'm thinking of.He could've killed me after I tended to his wounds,looking like the type to do that.But he didn't.

Okay enough of that

But my pride was totally shattered.I,a dominant omega went weak on some alpha's pheromones.Big blow to my ego there.

I'm sure my dad will be ranting about how disgraced he is of me if he heard of this and I would traditionally not give a fuck.

Oh well,better clean this up before anyone else sees this.I went in for a bucket of soap water and a scrubbing brush, wiping away the 'evidence' of last night.I was drenched in sweat when I was done.I showered and dressed in shorts and a white baggy long sleeve shirt.I headed for the kitchen only to see Esme uninvited, drinking a glass of red wine and reading a magazine.I regret giving her a spare key.

"Make yourself at home and steal my wine"I said walking up to her and grabbing the glass from her hands.

"What got your panties in a twist?"the she alpha said,rolling her eyes in the process.She wore a simple sleeveless black top and jeans,topping to off with lip gloss and a silver necklace.Her blonde hair was in a french braid.Even with a simple look she manages to look elegant.

"Anyway, I came to check up on you.Mason did mention I'll be coming here."

"I'm fine Es,just a bit tired"

"Mace said he came to see you last night and saw you passed out in the living room,and that there was.....dried blood on the kitchen door.Explain?"

Shit.So he did see that

I felt the blood drain from my face.The hell do I answer that?
Esme looked at me expectantly for an answer.

"It was just tiredness.The blood..... could've come from anywhere,you know how dangerous it gets in the night."I said with all the confidence I could muster.Last thing she needs to know is the mess I've placed myself in.She kept looking at me before waving it off.
"Alright,I've told you so many times not to overwork yourself,but you being the stubborn devil you are sure as hell won't listen.You drank the tea I sent you?"

I glared hard at her.So she gave mace the tea to give to me.

"I wish looks could kill"I seethed.She only smiled and pulled out her tongue at me.

"Bad wishes don't get granted.I best be off.I'll come later for a movie night"Esme said walking to the door.She stopped and turned.

"No alcohol for some hours.Let the tea settle in.Bye!"

I sighed and rubbed my head.No alcohol huh?

I'll try


Hope you like it,thanks for reading 🦋

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