Aria's POV (30)

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             Side story (6)

"Aria, come inside, it's to cold to wait out there" Ranger said putting his arms around me and placing his hands on my very swollen belly, "they seem to be happy in there" "who wouldn't be happy, they are warm and well protected" I said leaning my head back on to Ranger's chest, "please come inside" "Mitch and his fated mate will be here soon, I want to greet them at the door" "they only left an hour ago, they won't be here for a few more hours, come in and have some breakfast then you can sit out on the swing with some blankets" I turned in his arm, stood up on my tip toes and gave him a kiss "ok".

Some days I have no appetite but others I feel like I can't eat enough, today is one of them days, for breakfast I had three eggs scrambled, four sausages, four bits of crispy bacon, two whole fired tomatoes, five hash browns, a pint of orange juice and I still wasn't full, when I sat out on the swing waiting, I had a bag full of snacks.

I must have fallen asleep as when I woke up, I was in bed with Ranger and Mitch talking at the end of my bed and a woman looking out of my window, "when did you get here?" I said sitting up, Mitch quickly got to and side and helped me sit, not that I've been fine sitting up by myself all this time, "we have just got here, maybe 10 minutes, Willow, come here and meet my little sister Aria" "let me get out of bed first" "no, stay in bed and rest, you are very pregnant" "I've still got weeks yet, I'm fine to get up", he helped me get out of bed, Ranger just laughed, "don't laugh, you should be the one helping her" "oh I tried, I just got a mouthful of abuse the last time I tried" he laughed again, "I'm fine doing it by myself, Willow? Is what your name? That's a beautiful name" "oh thank you very much, I've been so exited to meet you, I know this might be a strange request but may I hug you? It's just, Mitch has told me so much about you and what happened at the confirmation ceremony, I just need to hug you" "yeah sure" she hugged me and I can tell straight away that we are going to become instant best friends.

We all went and sat out in the garden, Ranger and Mitch made me put on so many clothes, it was so hot but if I tried to take any layers off, Willow would put it straight back on me, "you are so young, 19 is a bit young for you Mitch" "it's better to have a young mate than an old one, am I right?" Ranger nudged him, Mitch just nervously laughed, "ignore him, where did he find you?" "Aria, please drop it" I looked at him confused "why? Don't tell me she was someone else’s mate?" "No she wasn't but please drop it" I looked over at Willow, she had her head down, I knew that look all to well, "sorry if I offended you in any way" "no, its ok, it's still a little raw to talk about".

In the end, Willow opened up and told us about her life, I was an emotional wreck, but I could relate to her, my and Ranger's relationship at the start was definitely not a traditional one, "I'm so sorry Willow" "why? It wasn't you that done it" "I know but... Can I hug you?" "Yes please" I hugged her so tight, "I'm glad they get along" I heard Mitch say.

It was getting time for them to leave, I didn't want them to go but with Mitch being a top alpha, he needed to get back.

They left just after five, lots of tears from me and more from Willow, I turned and hugged Ranger, "I miss them already" "I know you do but it won't be long before these three pups will keep your mind from missing everyone so much, come on, lets go inside" "when the pups come, they can come and visit right?" "Try and stop them, I bet the whole pack will be waiting outside" I let out a little laugh, "yeah, your probably right there".

The next week flew past in a blink of an eye, Willow and I talk almost everyday, since coming back here I've made some friends but because I'm the top alpha's mate, they tend to say clear from me and with me being heavily pregnant, if something happens, they don't want to get the blame for it.

"How are the pups today?" Willow asked, "still in there" "not long now" "about two weeks left if its a normal pregnancy but it will most likely go over as there are three in there" "I can't wait to meet them, I bet they will be as beautiful as there mother or as handsome as there father" "I hope they take after Ranger, life as an omega is hard" I said sadly, Willow is the only other omega that's had a hard life as an omega, "what's your plans for today?" Willow asked to change the subject, "sleep, eat and repeat, Ranger is out all day with Cash so I can't go and annoy him, what are you up to?" "Mitch is taking me to school, I've decided I want to be a midwife, but I had dropped out when I was 14 when I went to live on the streets, the school has set up a crash cores for me to catch up on all that I've missed" "oh wow, that’s amazing" "you inspired me to do it, there is only one midwife around these parts and she is nearly an hour away" "if you need practice on examining pregnant Lycan’s, I'm here" I laughed as she did, we spoke for a while longer, I could hear the dinner bell go off, "that sounds like dinner to me, these pups are starving" "ok, feed them pups well, talk to you later, bye" "bye", I put the phone down and stood up from Rangers chair, then the phone rang again, "what has she forgot to tell me?" "Hello?" I said waiting for Willow to say, 'oh yeah, I forgot to say' "Aria?" "Dixson, is that you?" "Aria, please save me" then he hug up the phone, I froze in place, 'Aria, please help me' ran through my head like it was on repeat, 'Aria, snap out of it, that was Dixson, he needs help, call him back' Midnight shouted in my head, I shook my head to shake the daze out, I hit redial and the line was busy, 'keep trying', I mush have hit the redial, 20 times, still busy.

I called Mitch, "hello?" I know that boring voice "Vic, I need to speak to Mitch right now" "he is busy at the moment, can I take a message?" "You get me my brother right now or the next time we meet, I will rip your throat  out" he paused for a second "ok give me a few minutes" "get him to call me straight away" "will do Aria".

I walked around and around Rangers office, the phone finally rang "Aria, everything ok? The pups ok?" "Yeah they are fine, Mitch, you need to go and help Dixson, he just called me to help him" "I'm in the completely the wrong direction, Ranger is closer, can't he go? He will get there sooner then I will" "he's probably closer to you right now" "I will leave now but I won't get there for at least 6 to 7 hours" "that's to long, I will go" "NO" I heard him shout as I put the phone down, 'Midnight is it safe to shift with the pups as big as they are?' 'Yeah, that part of the body is well protected, take a bag, we need some clothes the other end'.

I grabbed a bad and left the office, while the phone rang off the handle, I took myself and my big pregnant belly out to the woods, I had so many people look at me but not one of them asked, I stripped naked and put the clothes in the bag, I inhaled a few deep breaths 'its ok Aria, I will keep the pups safe' then we shifted, it wasn't as painful as it normally is, Midnight picked the bag up with her teeth and took of running in the north-west area, I didn't know 100% where I was going, all I remember was that it's in that direction.

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