A Dream Come True

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The show had ended and I concluded that it was the best night of my entire life. The arena had began to clear out and Sarah and I started heading toward the exit, when suddenly I felt a hand brush over my shoulder in the shadows. I let out a little scream as I was startled and didn't expect it and that's when I heard a husky voice in the darkness. "Shh, I don't want anyone to know I'm here" the voice whispered. Oh. My. God. It was Tom. I could have recognised that voice and accent anywhere. Tom fucking Kaulitz had his hand on me.

My heart beat profusely in my chest. I wanted to scream of excitement, this could not be happening, I knew it couldn't be real, nothing like this ever happened to someone like me. Sarah was walking away into the distance, but I couldn't say anything to her as I knew she'd make a huge scene and the remaining guests in the arena would go crazy and ruin the moment. "Come with me" he said, in his sexy german accent, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me into a back door that lead through the stage. I knew Sarah would definitely understand once I told her what had happened, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity after all.

We entered the back stage room. I had to remain calm or else he might have seen me as some crazy fan and rethought his decision. I felt a range of emotions so strong I had to take multiple deep breaths and keep gasping for air. I tried to do it in a way that wasn't obvious, but it was clear that I was having a total fangirl freak out internally. "Are you okay?" he asked me, handing me the bottle of water in his hand. I tried to speak but my throat began to close up so I just nodded at him, smiling. I held the bottle of water to my mouth, remembering that his mouth had been on it which made me choke as I took a sip.

He laughed, smiling at me and twisting his lip piercing around with his tongue. "I couldn't stop staring at you tonight" he started. "There's just something about you.. you're different from all the other girls in the crowd". "You think so?" I asked him. I felt like any other fan girl, I didn't feel as if there was anything remotely special about me. "I know so" he said, nodding his head at the bottle, urging me to drink more water as my chest had began heaving up and down rapidly.

Suddenly, the noise of footsteps approaching could be heard. I turned around and Bill, Gustav and Georg were stood there staring at me, their mouths gawking. Bill walked over to me, squealing. "Hey! I love your outfit. It is to DIE for" he said, running his hand across my arm, feeling the material of my shirt. I was speechless. First Tom Kaulitz put his hand on my shoulder and held my hand and now I was in a room with him and Bill and...

 First Tom Kaulitz put his hand on my shoulder and held my hand and now I was in a room with him and Bill and

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In Love With a Rockstar | Tom Kaulitz ☆Where stories live. Discover now