Chapter 33 - Karma

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I love you.

How could these three words be so difficult to say when I had said it so many times in my life? Maybe it has something to do with the person I was about to say it to?

And how much these words meant.

"Make a wish and blow your candles before it ran out." He said in a soft tone. His breath tickled on my skin that left a shiver down my spine.

Hesitantly, I pulled myself out of that embrace and looked at him. He was staring at me with that heart-stopping smile on his face.

You already made my wish come true by coming here.

I wanted to say it out loud, but my lips were stuck in a wide grin as I stared back at him. Funny that with just one look, this guy could make me feel a million feelings I haven't felt before. He could make my heart race faster than the speed of light, and slower at the same time.

How he'd made me sound so poetic was beyond me.

Tearing my gaze away from him, I blew out the candles. Silently thanking the divine above for sending this human being in front of me to fix my deluded-perfect-life.

This was probably the best birthday I ever had.

I guess him coming in late was a blessing in disguise. This could be a perfect opportunity for us to talk, and who knows? This could finally be the day I summoned all the courage I have in me to confess my feeling for him.

But then again, would I be ready for his answers? His rejection?

Based on his actions for the past few days, I was so certain that I shouldn't expect him to feel the same way as I did. But would it really hurt to try? Or even to assume that he at least like me, even a bit? But then again, would it matter?

As of this moment, no matter what his answer would be, I just wanted this strong feeling to get off my chest. That would be enough, I guess.

Oh how the mighty has fallen.

Gone was the girl who was so certain and confident that she could make any guy fall for her. Actually, I didn't care about any guy. I just wanted Chad, but it was indeed too much to ask. How could someone so vile and mean like me deserve someone so gentle and sweet?

"So..." I started, there were too much words that wanted to come out of my mouth, that it was so difficult where to begin. "What's the flavour of the cake?"

I almost kick myself for being a coward and asked the thing that wasn't even in my list.

What happened to how you've been? What have you been up to lately? Why did you suddenly stop talking to me? Why you haven't been to our secret place? And, why do I feel that you're keeping your distance from me?

Well, I guess a part of me didn't want to ruin what was happening at this very moment when both of us were looking so happy, and me being so contented that he was here.

Maybe for me, that was enough for me.

A hearty contagious laugh escaped his lips, but before he could even answer my question, he was already interrupted by someone who called out his name.


I turned around to see the owner of the voice. He looked quite familiar that I swore I had seen him before.

An obvious confusion crossed my face when I saw him glaring at me in a manner that as if I had done something so horrible to him. His strides were slow, and his cold stare left me wondering about this unusual behavior of his.

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