Chapter 9 - Flirtutor

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She’s In Love With A Geek is VERY different from Must Date The PLAYBOY.

Please do not compare the set up, the characters and the story line. It will never be the same because I created Chad and Courtney differently. So please refrain from saying that this is so not like MDTP because again, this is really not MDTP.

Thank you very much. Enjoy! <3


CHAPTER 9 – Flirtutor


“Oh my Court, what happened to you!”

“Yeah! We’re looking for you. Where have you been?”

“Are you okay? Seriously Court, sending us that emergency thingy is so not cool. We thought that you’ve been hit by a bus or something!”

That’s the kind of welcome greeting I received from my friends the moment I stepped foot at my receiving area. I never expected them to be so worried like this after I sent that group message to them. Fiona, Jenny and Terry were all looking troubled.

After that unfortunate incident with Chad, I immediately went home so that I can meet up with my friends and discuss this bothering situation I put myself into. I never expected them to arrive this early and greet me with these questions.

“Girls, calm down. I’ll explain everything. Here’s the thing---“ before I continued, I noticed that one of my friends was not yet here. “Where’s Lucy?” I asked.

“Who knows? Maybe she won’t show up, she’s not a true friend.” Fiona replied dryly.

“Yeah. Maybe she’s not?” Jenny added. Oh God Jenny, always second-the-motion.

“Why look for someone who’s not here? I mean we’re the original right? Me, you, Jenny and Fiona. Why bother looking for the wannabe.” Terry took an emphasis with her last word that earned a lot of laugh from the girls.

Oh. I’m so not hearing this!

“Stop that! She’s our bestfriend and I don’t want us backstabbing one another. We’re different from the nasty girls in teen movies. We’re pretty and popular and that’s it. So stop the hating and start loving, okay?” I folded my arms and looked at them with disbelief.

“Whatever you say Court. You’re such a goody-goody you know.” Terry giggled.

“No Terry, we’re supposed to be good friends.” I retorted in a duh tone.

There was silence and then the door opened. There revealed Lucy.

“I’m sorry for being late. Did I miss something?” Lucy smiled from ear-to-ear. No one dared to say a thing.

Talk about awkward.

“No. You’re just in time. Just getting started.” I smiled at her.

It’s time to lessen the tension in the air. And it’s time to tell them the real deal.

“You see, a week ago I was confronted by Mr. Cleveland regarding my class standing. He said that if I continue my afterschool shenanigans, I might not able to graduate. Then my Dad knew about this and I swear he was so pissed off! He gave me a curfew, threatened me that he’ll take away my credit card and car and I shouldn’t get some Cs, Ds or Fs in any of my quizzes, exams and---“

“Whoa! Slow down Court! We barely understand a thing. No need to rush.” Terry cuts me off.

“Fine.” I sighed. “To make the long story short, I might not graduate.”

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