Chapter 42 - Hopes And Doubts

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My eyes were glued to them as they walked through the cafeteria halls. His arm was wrapped around Courtney's shoulder and she laughed when he leaned in to whisper something in her ear.

I felt my heart sank at the sight, and I quickly turned away. My stomach twisted, and a wave of sadness washed over me.

It doesn't make any sense.

I told myself.

We just discussed this yesterday. We were supposed to tell our friends first about us, and then unexpectedly...

I turned my attention back to them. I was hoping to catch Courtney's attention, to see what her reaction would be if she were to see me, but she didn't spare a glance in my direction. She moved to the table where the rest of the football team were without looking at me.

Was she doing this purposely?

But why?

I noticed that she wasn't with her friends like usual. She was just with Troy, clinging to his arm as if her life depended on it. Even more unsettling was the fact that she was displaying much more affection towards him than she ever had before.

I couldn't help but feel confused, upset, hurt... broken.

I thought we felt the same thing?

I thought she loves...

Or did I just assume it?

I have a lot of questions running through my head right now and the more I pondered these questions, the more I realized how much I cared for her and how much I wanted her to feel the same way I feel about her.

True, she didn't say anything, but I thought we already had that understanding about our relationship.

Maybe I missed something?

I didn't want to think of the worse, that everything was just a facade. That she was doing all those things while her real boyfriend wasn't around.

She wouldn't do that, that's for sure.

She sounded so genuine and everything that happened seems so real. Why was I doubting her and her feelings? She had already made it clear, and it didn't seem like an act.

There is no way she would pour out her emotions like that if everything she did was for the sake of winning. I'm certain that her actions were sincere and true, not motivated by a desire for victory.

Even so, I'm still seeking answers, clarifications, or assurances that our feelings were mutual. I had to get to the bottom of this. I had to be sure.

I pulled out my phone and sent her a message.

Chad: Can you tell me what is going on?

I waited patiently and hoped she'd read my message right away.

What if you're just too stubborn to accept the truth? All the signs are here. She is with her supposedly ex boyfriend, who is now her boyfriend - the relationship is on again. Despite all the evidence, are you still refusing to acknowledge reality?

I shook the negativity off my head. There must be something here I'm not seeing clearly. I reasoned.

My face lit up when I saw Courtney looked at her phone. But then she put it away and started talking to Troy again instead. Suddenly, I was back to feeling confused and discouraged.

Despite this, I still held on to the hope that everything that transpired for the last few days were genuine.

I need to have a serious conversation with her and find out what is really going on. No matter what the truth is, we need to talk and get to the bottom of this. Otherwise, I will never know what is truly happening.

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