Chapter 39 - The Promise

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A/N: Advance chapters are uploaded on my Patreon Page: notjustarandomgirl, and is currently on Chapter 44. Early access and limited edition published book of SILWAG will be announced there too. Thank you very much for those who subscribed! I hope you found it worthwhile. 

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After that conversation with Jackson, all I wanted to do was ran to Chad and hug him.

Anger, frustration, sadness, guilt. Strong emotions sinking in, consuming and suffocating me at the same time. What Olivia did to Chad was painful, but when Jackson cited and reminded me of the things that I did to Chad before—I felt so cruel, and evil.

My inside churned, I felt sick.

Now I wonder, what I did to him might have brought some memories from the past. I might have triggered something in him, and reminded him of what happened before.

His hell.

I was shattered, heartbroken even. I felt so bad that I wanted to see him right away. I know it's quite difficult, considering the time. It was getting late. So with that, I just settled with sending him a text.

I can't wait to see you tom.

I hit the sent, and tried to drift off to sleep. But, I immediately grabbed my phone when I heard a ping. I wasn't actually expecting a quick response from him. I thought he was already asleep at this time.

CHAD: Me too. Is everything okay?

CHAD: Do you want me to come over?

He followed up with another message that put a smile on my face. I was tempted to say yes, god knows how badly I want to see him now. But it's already late, that would be very selfish of me. I could wait, I guess.

Yeah! I'm just excited to see you again that's all. xx

CHAD: Haha. Same! See you tomorrow then?

Can't wait! We need to sleep. Nighty Chaddy!

CHAD: See you. Sweet dreams, Court.

I willed myself to sleep, hoping that time would come fast so I can see him.

I need to see him.

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Chad came over to my place early in the morning to pick me up since I left my car at the parking lot in school as we used his to drop me off my house yesterday.

He mentioned that he doesn't use his car that much as he prefers riding his bicycle. But yesterday was different, and today too according to him.

When he arrived, he went out and opened the passenger's seat door right after he saw me. I was used to being treated like this—a queen, I wanted it, demand it even. Whine or throw a fit when nothing goes my way.

But when it comes to Chad, this gesture was different. It's more reflected on him, his character, that this was innate to him. A gentleman—the real deal. That he would do this to anyone, not just for me, and surprisingly I don't feel any jealousy behind it. In fact, it makes me proud. Proud that I found someone so genuine and rare like him.

It made me wonder, how can someone trade this one of a kind treasure for the sake of popularity?

But then, who was I to talk? I was once like this. Do everything for the sake of staying popular, and the queen to rule the school. To destroy someone just to get what I wanted. If it wasn't for Chad, I wouldn't have realized all this. If I haven't got the chance to meet him, who knows what kind of horrible things I could have done to kind people like him.

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