Chapter 40 - Surprise!

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After that talk, Chad and I decided to keep our relationship a secret for now. Honestly, I don't see why it should be hidden, much less kept a secret. I was totally against it at first. It's actually my goal to let everyone know about us. Having lunch with Chad, spending most of our free times together, studying together in the library, holding hands in the hallway—these were all things I have imagined doing with him the moment I realized I was in love with him.

And because of our agreement, we couldn't do it for now—as what he had reiterated.

I know I was being a brat and stubborn for not agreeing to it at first. Yes, I get what Chad was saying, that our sudden relationship could raise a stir throughout the school. But I made him aware that I don't care about my image anymore, social status, even popularity—I stopped caring about it a long time ago, if that's what he was so concerned about.

But then I forgot the fact that this sudden relationship might affect him too. They would wonder how and why this happened—this might cause a rumor that could damage Chad's reputation. And I didn't want that to happen. For him to be destroyed because of me.

If only they knew, I was the first one to fall in love with him, but I kept my feelings a secret. They didn't have any idea that I made the first move and tried everything just to win his heart.

Anyway, those two things weren't the main reason why we kept this a secret. For him, it's important that we tell our best friends about us first, and then take it from there. He wasn't wrong on that: They have the right to know—of course, and there's no doubt my best friends would be supportive, even happy!

All of them were rooting for Chad, and I couldn't be happier.

On the other hand, Jackson might think differently about us. This was like a history repeats itself situation for them, but the difference is, if Olivia traded Chad for popularity, for me, I would wholeheartedly leave every bits of it for him.

All I want is for Jackson to realize that my feelings for his best friend are genuine.

I just hope this gets done sooner rather than later. We only have over a month left before the school's over, so I just want to make the most of it—like spend the remaining of my high school life with Chad and do all those things I have imagine.

Oh, what a wonderful feeling in the world!

* * * *

"So, have we come up with a plan yet?" Terry appeared out of nowhere as I shut my locker, which obviously startled me.

"Good morning to you, too." I said, purposely ignoring her question and started walking away, she followed me of course.

"We found her." Lucy chimed in—making me jump in surprise! Then I scanned my surroundings and realized all my friends were here.

"Actually, I was the one who found her." Fiona declared proudly.

As I continue walking, Jenny blocked my way, causing me to stop in my tracks. "She is currently the cheer captain of the Black Tigers."

This information made me furious!

"I guess the karma still hasn't reached her yet." Lucy growled.

It was so hard for me to let this one slide, yes I know I promised Chad I wouldn't do anything, no revenge or whatsoever. But, this situation was so damn unfair. How could this Olivia have everything while Chad was left with nothing?

It was so bad enough that he wasn't even allowed to compete in the sports that he was so good at and loved so much! He has to throw away his talent for that. But this Olivia girl? She even got that cheercaptain spot, and I bet she was this nasty bitch of a cheerleader with a jock of a boyfriend. Oh what a clique set-up.

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