The Final Chapter

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"Places everyone! We'll be ready in five." I called out the cast, and they all scrambled to their positions, ready to start the play. Some quickly took their places on the stage while others readied the props and did last minute audio checks. Everyone was working hard and in full swing, ensuring that every detail was perfect and that the show would be a success.

In just a few minutes, the curtains would be drawn, and the show would begin.

I still remember the day when I announced the casting call for this play, in the very same auditorium. That was my first encounter with Courtney. That day, I promised myself not to get involved with the likes of her, to stay away. But despite my promise to myself, I found myself hopelessly drawn to her.

And look where I am now--completely happy and in love with her.

How it all started was unusual. We weren't friends or acquaintances. She was the type of girl who wouldn't look at me twice. And I was the geeky kid who preferred to be in the background and wasn't looking for a relationship.

But somehow fate had a different plan for us. We were thrown together and our bond grew from there. Despite fighting off our feelings to each other, we began to realize that we truly cared about one another and had a connection that was undeniable.


My relationship with Courtney has been growing and thriving well. Though it's only been days, it felt like I had known her for years. We connect on so many levels and I feel so comfortable being with her--like all the time in the world had stopped whenever we were together.

But lately, we've both been busy with our respective school commitments, so we haven't had the chance to hang out as much. But I'm looking forward to spending more time with her when things settle down.

After this day, we can finally get more quality time together. That is if she's finished accepting extra school activities from Mr. Duval as a form of repentance. If not, I'd be more than willing to help just to spend more time with her.

After her conversation with Jeremy, Courtney went to Mr. Duval the next day and told him she is ready to take responsibility or any punishment suitable for her wrongdoings. Even though Mr. Duval said that she did not have to do it, and that she should consider what happened before as a lesson learned, Courtney still insisted on doing something, anything, to make amends.

She didn't press on anything about her graduating. In fact, she said she was willing to repeat the year instead of dropping out. But Mr. Duval said it wouldn't be necessary, confessing her mistake was more than enough. Also, just attending summer classes would be enough for her to graduate.

Yes, Mr. Duval let Courtney graduate despite her mistakes as he saw the effort she had put in and her willingness to take responsibility for her actions.

We were both happy with Mr. Duval's decision. Courtney was content as well, especially after she told her dad what she had done and was willing to do in order to make up for all the bad things she did.

Mr. Collins told her he was proud of her for taking responsibility and maturing. As a reward, he offered to buy her anything she wanted, but she chose to help Jeremy with his college instead.

My pride and admiration for her selfless act cannot be overstated. It was a truly heartwarming moment and showed she had grown and matured into such an amazing person. I didn't know I could love her even more, but I did.

And I couldn't help but feel lucky to have such an incredible girlfriend in my life.

"Don't get me wrong, it's really fulfilling doing all this. But I really want to spend the rest of my high school days with you and do those boyfriend-girlfriend stuff like in the movies."

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