Concert Interruptus

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Extremely long (Over 5,000 words) to make up for falling off the face of the earth. Forgive me? 

Rory and Cory laid on their mothers bed as the woman dug through her closet. "Absolutely nothing." Lorelai stated turning to look at her daughters who were just staring at the roof. "Oh come on." Rory groaned turning her head to look at the woman.

"I'm sorry, I'm looking but there is nothing in there." Lorelai exclaimed, Cory flipped over onto her stomach to look at her mother with narrowed eyes, fiddling with the sleeve of her sweater. "Oh, you're kidding right?" Cory asked in disbelief, shaking her head. "No, everything in here I wear." The twins mother said waving her arms around and shrugging. "What?" Rory questioned rolling off the bed and approaching the closet.

"I do. There's nothing to give up." Lorelai protested shaking her head. "The red and black halter top." Cory argued pointing to the fabric their mother was holding. "Oh no." The mother of two said in denial making her twin daughters sigh.

"Why?" Rory questioned, looking very much done with her mothers antics. "Uh, it's a classic." Lorelai tried to explain to daughters who gave her identical blank looks. "It's got rhinestones and zebra stripes on it." Cory said in disgust looking at the shirt.

"So?" The twins mother asked, looking confused by her daughters. "Tassels." Rory hissed with a soft smile. "Yes." The older blue eyed woman agreed with her oldest. "It has tassels mom." The youngest moaned in faux agony, the fabric was hurting her eyes. "Okay, I've had this since I was 17." Lorelai argued again, the twins shared an exhausted look with each other.

"Okay, we're sorry, did we mention the tassels." The twins said at the same time in annoyance. "You two are heartless and unsentimental." Lorelai spat at her daughters, Cory laughed softly knowing that their mother didn't really mean it. 

The shortest Gilmore pushed herself up to sit on the bed. "And you are a helpless packrat." Rory shot back with no hesitation, sitting beside her twin who giggled at her mother and sister. " I don't understand why I have to up root my happy family of clothing anyway." Lorelai questioned her daughters who shared a disbelieving look.

"Because it's a charity rummage sale." Rory told their mother who apparently wasn't seeing the point of the topic. "I know." Lorelai nodded, still not seeing what the point was. "That you and I helped organize." Cory continued on for her twin sister, trying to get their mother to understand.


"And you volunteered to run." Rory finished off making the woman pout at the twins. "It was very, very hot in that room that day, I was dehydrated. They could've talked me into anything." Lorelai argued with a shrug.

"It was your idea." Cory said bluntly causing the woman to freeze, finally recalling the conversation. " Okay, I am a very sick woman and that should be apparent to anyone." The twins mother tried turning back to the closet, the twins stood up and walked towards their mother.

"Okay get out of the way." The shortest Gilmore order her mother who blocked the closet. "What are you doing?" Lorelai asked her twin daughters who narrowed their eyes at the woman. "Step away from the closet please." Rory said pulling their mother out of the way, the pouting mother allowing her daughters into the closet. 

"Oh! Oh, this is so unfair! Oh no, no, no." Lorelai complained, Rory took a section of clothes and handed them to her shorter sister. "Not that whole chunk! Well, just - okay take that, that's ugly. Just that" The mother rambled as her youngest began walking away with the clothes, Rory walked over to the dresser.

"Okay now all of this," Rory began gesturing to the clothes in her twins arms. "I want you to come over here to this dresser, open up the top drawer and take out everything that you'd be embarrassed to be wearing during a car accident. Meet us downstairs." The twins began leaving their mothers room. "Move!" Cory shouted over her shoulder.

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