That Damn Donna Reed

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"Hello?" Dean calls out, coming inside the house with Jay, each holding a box of pizza and sides. " Do you come bearing pizza?" Lorelai called out from the couch where she and her daughters were sitting. "We're not idiots." Jay called out with a grin, looking at his bag that held an extra little surprise. "Then get in here!" Cory called out, raising an eyebrow when Jay placed his bag on her lap. 

King popped his head out making all three gasp. "My baby." Cory cheered scooping the black cat up, smiling when he nudged her head with his own. "This is the famous King?" Lorelai asked scratching the cats chin making him purr happily. "Yeah ever since the hospital he keeps giving me this look whenever I leave the house." Jay explained rubbing the back of his neck, settling on the floor between Cory's legs.

"What kind of look?" Dean asked in confusion as he sat beside the other boy. "Take me to Cory or I'll kill you in your sleep kind of look." Jay stated making his girlfriend coo and kiss the top of his head. "Oh, it's back on." Cory said turning her attention back to the TV running her hand over the cats body. "What are we watching?" The boys asked at the same time beginning to unpack the food. 

"The incomparable "Donna Reed Show." Lorelai said in amused sarcasm. "What's in there?" Rory asked looking at the brown bag on top of the boxes. Jay passed the Pizza to Lorelai while he set another box of buffalo wings on the arm of the couch. "A salad." Jay answered looking at the three girls, snatching a bread stick from another box. "A salad?" Cory repeated looking confused, pausing her petting before quickly continuing when King let out a distressed meow.

"Yeah, it's a quaint dish sometimes used to precede large quantities of pizza." Dean explained making the three Gilmore's share a strange look with one another. "It's for me." The tallest explained after a moment of silence. "Clearly." The twins said at the same time, the only time they ate salads was when they had left over fried chicken from take out. 

"So, who's Donna Reed?" Jay asked making Cory gasp placing her free hand on her chest in fake offence. "What?" Rory asked following her twins example. "You don't know who Donna Reed is? The quintissential 50s mom with the perfect 50s family?" Lorelai questioned the boys in disbelief. 

"Never without a smile and high heels?" Rory continued on, with fake rage. "Hair, that if you hit it with a hammer, would crack?" Cory finished making Jay smile fondly at the three girls. "So, it's a show?" Dean questioned calmly, already used to their antics. 

"You're not even listening to the dialogue." Dean commented after the three made up their own, Jay jumping in as the male voices. Cory leaned forward placing a kiss on his head, King grumbled from the temporary squishing before settling once again. "Ours is better." Cory argued, her twin and mother nodding in agreement. 

"I don't know -- it all seems kind of nice to me." Dean said making all three girls look at him in disbelief. "I see the appeal, but I don't think I could survive without Cory whacking me with a spoon for going into the kitchen when she's cooking or Rory looking at me with that look when I do something stupid. God forbid what Lorelai would do if I came home late, she'd probably track me down and drag me home by the ear." Jay rambled trailing off into a daydream about that. Cory giggled fondly before all three turned back to Dean.

"What does?" Rory asked her boyfriend, taking a bite of her pizza while Cory finally started eating the wings Jay had brought with for her. "Well, you know, families hanging together. I mean, a wife cooking dinner for her husband. And look -- she seems really happy." Dean explains trying to justify his thinking. "She's medicated." Cory said quickly, swallowing her food, placing the bone back in the box and grabbing another.

"And acting from a script." Rory continued quickly in shock. "Written by a man." Lorelai finished for her daughters, looking just as shocked. "Well said, Sister Suffragette." The twins chirped at the same time. "What if she likes making doughnuts and dinner for her family and keeping things nice for them and --" Dean cut himself off noticing all three girls just staring at him. Jay blinked looking around the room, using his thumb to wipe sauce off of Cory's cheek. "OK, I feel very unpopular right now." Dean stated as they all listened to the TV.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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