Chapter Six: Snow Falls, Part II

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It's a race against the clock to find John Doe, and when he's found, there are surprises all around . . . and Queenie comes to a realization that could throw a real wrench in Regina's plans.


Regina scowled at them. "What the hell are you doing here?" She caught sight of Henry. "And you – I thought you were at the arcade. Now you're lying to me?"

Mary Margaret frowned. "What happened to John Doe? Did someone take him?"

Graham ran a hand through coiffed hair. "We don't know yet. His IVs were ripped out but there's no sign for sure that there was a struggle."

Henry crossed his arms, looking towards his mother. "What did you do?"

Regina looked affronted at the question. "You think I had something to do with this?"

Emma shrugged. "It is curious that the mayor is here."

Regina scoffed and folded her arms. "I'm here because I'm his emergency contact."

Mary Margaret raised her eyebrows. "You know him?"

Regina scowled. "I found him. On the side of the road years ago with no ID. I brought him here."

Dr. Whale nodded in confirmation. "Mayor Mills saved his life."

Mary Margaret frowned. "Will he be okay?"

Dr. Whale sighed. "Okay? The man's been on feeding tubes for years on constant supervision. He needs to get back here right away or, quite honestly, "okay" might be a pipe dream."

Emma nodded firmly. "Well then, let's quit yapping and start looking."

Regina raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "That's what we're doing. Just stay out of this, dear. And since I clearly can't keep you away from my son, I guess I'm just going to have to keep my son away from you." She reached out and grabbed Henry's arm, her grip strong despite Henry's attempt to free himself "Sheriff, find John Doe. You heard Dr. Whale. Time is precious."

As the Mills left, Graham looked toward Dr. Whale. "Dr. Whale, how long between your rounds since you last saw him?"

Dr. Whale looked at his watch. "Twelve hours or so now."

Graham nodded. "Then that's what we need to account for."

Everyone headed toward the security office, seeing Walter sitting and talking with Leroy, who leaned against the cabinets. Graham started asking questions, and Leroy and Walter were completely unhelpful. He sighed. "You two were the only employees on the floor last night. And you saw nothing?"

Walter shook his head, stifling a yawn. "Not a thing."

Emma frowned at the two. "Did anyone walk by?"

Leroy shrugged. "I didn't see nothin'."

Graham turned toward Mary Margaret. "Miss Blanchard, was there anything unusual you saw during your trip with your class?"

Mary Margaret shook her head. "I don't think so."

Emma crossed her arms, pointing towards the screen the security tapes were playing on. "We're looking at the wrong tape," she said. "This is the ward where Henry's class put up decorations, so if this was really the tape from last night, we'd see the banners the kids hung."

Leroy shook his head, looking at Walter. "You fell asleep again."

Walter glared indignantly. "You selling me out?"

Leroy raised his hands. "I ain't getting fired for this!"

Walter shoved him. "At least I don't drink on the job!"

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