Chapter Nineteen: 7:15 A.M.

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Mary Margaret seeks Newt's help, and Emma and Regina grow suspicious over a new stranger in town.


Harry had mentioned that even though he and Draco were the heirs to Slytherin and Gryffindor respectively, they had been Sorted into the other's house while at school. Harry had also pointed out that Hermione had shown characteristics of every house, just like Neville had Gryffindor tendencies while he was the Heir of Hufflepuff.

As Henry approached Storybrooke's newest visitor, who was working on his motorcycle at the end of the Mills' driveway, he figured this was the epitome of being a Gryffindor. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

The man barely looked up from his work. "Fixing my bike."

"No," Henry shook his head. "I mean in Storybrooke."

The man glanced at him before returning to working on the gears. "Just visiting."

Henry eyed the lockbox on the back of the bike curiously. "What's that?"

The man patted the top of it. "A box."

"What's inside it?"

The man pursed his lips, but Henry refused to apologize for asking questions. OK, maybe there was a bit of Ravenclaw in him, too, but what was he supposed to do when no one usually visited Storybrooke? "Just something I need to do what I came here for," the man answered.

Henry frowned, watching the man put on his helmet. "I thought you were just visiting."

The man shrugged and climbed onto his bike. "Doesn't mean I don't have something to do."

"Henry?" Regina called, her voice faint from the door of the house.

"You better get to school," the man told him, eyeing the gray sky when it rumbled. "Looks like a storm's coming."

The man drove off just as Regina hustled down the sidewalk, and she wrapped an arm protectively around Henry's shoulders. "Henry, who was that?" she demanded.

Henry merely shrugged in response.


" . . . and then there's Slytherin," Harry was saying, Ava and Nicholas hanging onto his every word as Emma, Michael, Newt, Queenie, Remus, David, Mary Margaret, and Victor watched from the next table, Ruby lingering nearby as she worked to clean tables during the breakfast rush. "The house of the cunning and the ambitious. My best friend, Draco, is in Slytherin, but really, he's a Gryffindor, too."

"So you're placed in your house when you're only eleven?" Ava wrinkled her nose. "What happens if your personality has completely changed by the time you're done?"

Harry shrugged. "I dunno. But I know not everyone matches the house they're placed into."

Nicholas snorted. "That's not the stupidest thing to me. Why is the symbol of Ravenclaw an eagle?"

Emma snorted into her hot cocoa, and Newt snickered. "I fear that question will never be answered," he said.

"It irritated the hell out of Lily," Remus chuckled. "She, Sirius, and Cissa spent so much time trying to come up with the wildest theories."

"And what theory won?" Victor asked curiously.

Remus made a fancy gesture with his hand. "Magic."

That made Emma choke on her next drink and sent Newt and Queenie into laughter. "Of course," Emma coughed, clearing her throat. "Of course, magic was the answer."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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