Chapter Sixteen: A Small Pack of Wolves

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When Sidney turns out to be a very sore loser, family and friends band together to put him in his place. The Swans have several people on their side, including a new visitor to Storybrooke who piques the interest of a few residents.


Victor Whale knew he was far from perfect. He was the best doctor that Storybrooke had, but that didn't mean he had the perfect brain. Hell, during his date with Mary Margaret, he had spent most of it ogling their waitress! Still, he felt relief that Mary Margaret hadn't been angry with him. In fact, she had encouraged him to go after Ruby.

So here he was at the counter of the diner, listening to the last of the partygoers leave as he finished off the cake on his plate. "And that," Ruby brought her tray full of empty glasses behind the counter, "is the end of my work day." She smiled sheepishly as she rested her forearms on the counter. "I'm sorry it took so long."

"Hey, our new sheriff one-upped the good mayor and Mr. Gold," Victor chuckled and shook his head. "Everyone else could party to their heart's content. I just came out here once everyone I knew and wanted to talk to left."

Ruby giggled, still looking relatively alert and peppy despite the late hour. "Give me a few minutes to wash up and change, then I'll be ready to head out. The Rabbit Hole?"

"You got it," Victor nodded with a grin. "Take your time. I've got all night."

Ruby beamed at him and disappeared around the back. Victor sat back on his stool with a smile, drumming his fingers on the countertop as he looked around the diner. The only people who remained were cleaning up after the party, which was why Victor had asked Ruby if she wanted to go out that evening to begin with. Granny and Ruby had catered the party, and Granny had given Ruby the evening off while the rest of the staff cleaned up after the celebration concluded. Ruby had eagerly agreed as long as alcohol was included in the date. After having to listen to Sidney Glass, Victor had been happy to oblige.

The bell above the door jingled, and Victor turned to see who entered at such a late hour. He blinked in surprise when he saw a rugged-looking man with sandy hair and amber eyes look around the diner with a hint of apprehension in his stance. With the long trench coat, jeans, and worn boots, he looked rather average compared to the fashion worn by Regina and even Emma. In fact, something about the man reminded Victor of Newt Scamander.

With that thought, Victor hopped off his stool and approached. "Can I help you, sir?" he asked politely.

The man turned to focus on him, and Victor schooled his expression to say neutral. Those were really intense amber eyes. "I hope so," he nodded, and Victor blinked at the British accent he used. "I realize I came into town at an extremely late hour. I hope it isn't too late to request a room at the closest inn?"

"That'll be the bed and breakfast just next door," Victor nodded. "It's late, but I think . . . " The click of heels announced the arrival of Ruby, and Victor turned and abruptly swallowed his tongue when he saw the sleeveless jumpsuit she wore that was the color of fresh blood, a faux fur coat draped over her shoulders. "Wow," he finally managed to say.

"You like?" Ruby grinned flirtatiously, then she did a double take when she saw he wasn't alone. "Oh," she blushed, fiddling with the coat to make herself look more professional. "Hello."

"Good evening," the man smiled politely and nodded, keeping his eyes on her face.

"He's hoping to check into the bed and breakfast," Victor explained. "This is . . . "

He trailed off, clearing his throat when he realized he didn't know the man's name. He chuckled, however, and extended his hand to Ruby. "Remus Lupin," he introduced himself.

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