(10) वासुदेवस्य दुहिता देवी, प्रकाशित विष्णोः माया

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"WOMEN ARE ALWAYS SAYING, 'WE CAN DO ANYTHING THAT MEN CAN DO,' BUT MEN SHOULD BE SAYING, 'WE CAN DO ANYTHING THAT WOMEN CAN DO. Be the woman who fixes another woman's crown without telling the world it was crooked."


The third Pandava had already reached to the palace of Illusion

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The third Pandava had already reached to the palace of Illusion. While stepping inside, his eyes fell on the soldiers who were guarding the main entrance of Indraprastha. They were standing there by bowing down their heads, as almost all the kingdoms had the same restrictions for the soldiers not to look at the eyes of their Lords.

Arjun came near them, lifted their faces holding the chins and wholeheartedly smiled at them. Being extremely excited, the soldiers also reciprocated in his lovely gesture.

Soldier 1:- Pranipat Yuvraaj!

Arjun:- Pranipat! May you have a wonderful day!

Soldier 1:- Thank you so much, Yuvraaj!

Soldier 2:- Yuvraaj, Can I please ask something?

Arjun:- Definitely, why not! Tell!

Soldier 2:- You are a prince! The commander in chief of military force, but still, how can you behave so politely with us who are the mere soldiers?

Arjun:- Before being a prince and a commander in chief, I am a human being and for all of you also, before considering yourself as a soldier, just consider the fact that you all are human beings! So, we fall in the same category, right? That's why, it's my duty to show a pleasant behaviour to you, just like I do for my mother, my brothers, my wives, my children!

Arjun:- Before being a prince and a commander in chief, I am a human being and for all of you also, before considering yourself as a soldier, just consider the fact that you all are human beings! So, we fall in the same category, right? That's why...

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