(13) Untangling the entanglement

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"He who busies himself with things other than improvement of his own self becomes perplexed in darkness and entangled in ruin. In a universe made out of energy, everything is entangled; everything is one."


Nature has endless treasures of beauty in the form of various beautiful living creatures

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Nature has endless treasures of beauty in the form of various beautiful living creatures. The world of birds, beasts, reptiles, and fish is teeming with life and millions of species of all kinds, in size and colour and on the earth, in the sky and the water.The beauty of the kingdom was beyond explanation. The river took the form of fountain near the high peak of mountains. The flash of water was washing the edges of the rocks to remove dirts.

Nature is beautiful everywhere. She is marvellously beautiful on the top of a mountain. She is mysteriously beautiful on the bed of the sea. Forests, springs, waterfalls, gardens and meadows all surpass in beauty. Nature presents a vast scene of exquisite beauty. All objects of nature, their colours and their forms are a source of joy forever. The sunrise presents the loveliest scene. Dewdrops on green grass look like pearls. Flowers, fruit trees bathed in rays of the sun, look bright and beautiful. The sun rays pouring over snow-covered peaks present a glorious scene. The chirping of birds in trees has a music of its own. The setting of the sun is equally charming. The starry night looks like a blue sheet studded with jewels. The moon has a soothing effect. Nature is at her best in spring. Blooming flowers of different colours fill the air with fragrance. Autumn has a charm of its own. The cool breeze produces music in the falling leaves. Winter is no less charming. The snow-capped mountains, the falling of snow have a great attraction. Besides, the blowing of winds, the floating of clouds, the rainbow, the waterfalls all remind us of the greatest artist, God.

"From mountain peaks to waterfalls, underwater marvels and dazzling sky optics, each natural wonder highlights a different aspect of the beauty of Earth's natural world."

"The beauty of nature can have a profound effect upon our senses, those gateways from the outer world to the inner, whether it results in disbelief in its very existence as Emerson notes, or feelings such as awe, wonder, or amazement."

"How does a view of nature gain its gloss of beauty? We know that the sight of beautiful landscapes engages the brain's reward systems. But how does the brain transform visual signals into aesthetic ones? Why do we perceive a mountain vista or passing clouds as beautiful?"

The beauty of nature is as complex as how our brains work. Technology Networks presents a study where researchers analyzed participants' brain activities when viewing videos about nature. Its interesting discovery contributes to our grasp of nature's beauty, specifically what we consider "aesthetically pleasing." The article also shares that the study offers insights into how the natural environment can affect our inner self and improve our well-being.

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