(22) Purchasing session, passion, possessiveness and precious parentage

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"NOBODY ON EARTH CAN EVER LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOUR PARENTS. Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first. Love and appreciate your parents. We are often so busy growing up, we forget they are also growing old. Appreciate Your Parents. You Never Know What Sacrifices They Went Through For You."


Both the divine sons of Vasudev were standing in the balcony of the main palace

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Both the divine sons of Vasudev were standing in the balcony of the main palace. The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. They looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. As shield of Earth the night is given upon celestial clock. On this night the natural black hugs the stars as a mother to her newborn.

Into the night, the ashen night, of a billion stars both exploded and living, into the serendipity of duality that is our shared existence is both futility and eternal hope, the road that belongs to immortals. The chilling wind direct from the ocean was helping their glistening garbs to flow in the air. Both of them were looking at the night sky which was giving festive vibes of the birth celebration of Dwarikadhish.

Lord Balram:- Kanha, have you noticed the festival vibes and delicateness in today's sky?

Lord Krishna:- Yes dau! I have noticed it! You know, after so much time, we are just spending our favorable time in the balcony!

Lord Balram:- Absolutely kanha! Because of the extreme work pressure, we don't actually get time to spend like this! Gudiya always love to be in contact with nature, even we three have the similar kind of habits but now, everything has changed!

Lord Krishna:- Human beings can change, dau, they can grow up, they have different mentalities, they have their work pressures, but still the memories and liveliness of childhood never leaves them! It always comes back to make people recognize what they were and what they have become! Though, some people love to be as it is like their childhood only! That makes them special and unique in every aspect!

Lord Balram:- You are absolutely right, kanha! Childhood is the best time a person can ever go through in their life time!
Just look at the sky, kanha, it seems like the whole universe is getting prepared for your birthday celebration! There isn't a small patch of rain clouds, the whole sky is glittering with the stars and the moon!

Lord Krishna:- But our moon is in Indraprastha! Maybe busy with a good looking rain cloud!

Lord Balram:- Kanha, you don't have any rein in your mouth!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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