(12) वेषेण समस्याः दुर्बोधाः च

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"And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about."


Infantry at this time was the dominant form of war, partially due to the camel saddle and the stirrup not being invented yet

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Infantry at this time was the dominant form of war, partially due to the camel saddle and the stirrup not being invented yet. The infantries at this time would be divided into ranged and shock, with shock infantry either charging to cause penetration of the enemy line or hold their own. The little boy who was being caught red handed by the soldiers, he wasn't at all alone in the border area, rather enjoying the guidance of a huge army force. The drums and emergency trumpets have been making sounds to make the troupes of soldiers to be prepared for the sudden attack.

"They waged war against their neighbors in an effort to gain access to resources, territory, power, and glory."-- The soldiers' minds were filled with such inauspicious thoughts. These conflicts were often spearheaded by some of the fiercest leaders in history.

The sword and longbow are venerated, chain mail and plate armor are coveted, and the actuality of ancient warfare is left far behind in the rearview mirror. Ancient warfare was terrible. It was brutal. It was largely inhumane.

To appreciate the battles from history that took place before the gunpowder age, you have to appreciate how awful these fights were. All war is hell, but ancient war was particularly hellish.

A multitude of sharp objects were used during the wars. The Western border area was echoing with the sounds of spears, swords, throwing arrows and many more sharp weapons.

The preferred method to kill large numbers of people in ancient times was the use of sharp objects. Swords, knives, javelins, arrows, spears, and pikes were all extremely popular and lethal. Anyone who has cut themselves on a knife or, heaven forbid, have been stabbed knows that coming in contact with sharp objects is extremely unpleasant. Now imagine hundreds or thousands of people frantically trying to slice open nearby people with sharp objects on top of each other. These were thousand strong, frantic, knife fights. These wounds were excruciating and could be incredibly dangerous.

The boy who was below the category of a teenager, didn't want this misunderstanding and chaos to take place just because of him. He was scared and nervous about the whole thing. The soldiers with whom he arrived in Indraprastha, they also took the weapons in their hands when they found their near and dear one to face the danger because of the soldiers of Indraprastha. Nothing was intentional, but it seemed as if the whole chaos was happening even without any proper reason. He was tied with a rough rope near the border prison and the visibility of war was crystal clear to him.

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