9: Confidant

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She is Han Eun Sook👆


I tread slowly encircling my school for the sixth time. I woke up early and decided to come here but I didn't feel like going in. Hence I was walking in circumlocution for awhile now.

I had planned to slip out without being noticed but I was caught by Mr. Jun. I deceived him into thinking that I was going out early cause I had to go to my friends to finish an assignment. And he seemed to buy it.

I wanted to clear my head but frankly speaking; right now am just hearkening to the song that's blasting in my eardrums. F*ck My Life by SEVENTEEN. It was on repeat; thus making me feel like am back at square one every go round I make.

I was ready to encircle my school once again but I stopped at my tracks when I could no longer hear the song in one of my ears.

"I wasn't aware that someone else besides me comes these early." I stare dumbfounded at the attractive lady that's standing before me.

She plucks the AirPods she took from me in her left ear, "I like this song." She pauses enjoying it for a moment cause it was at its chorus. "It's a new song but it hits close to home."

I've never seen her around. She is not a student here cause she was wearing a crop top and a short dress which is utterly disparate from our school uniform.

She was stunning. She had a long black hair that goes down to her waist. Brown eyes, red lips, defined features and porcelain skin. She was the antithesis of me.

She redirects her attention to me as soon as the song ends. "I'm the new school counselor." she states noticing my confusion. Right our old counselor quit after giving birth to her baby.

"Ah..." I nod my head up a down with a little smile on my face. I never knew they replaced her. "What grade are you in?" she inquires.

"I'm in third grade."  I reply. And just at that moment my belly decided to embarrass me by making the loudest borborygmus it could ever make.

I just wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole. Though unfortunately for me the laws of physics are working against me.

She smiles a little; it was not a smirk or a sneer rather it was an it's ok I am feeling the same too smile. "You know I didn't get a chance to eat too. Wanna grab a bite together?"

Did my stomach really rumble like never before in front of a skinny girl and she wasn't mean about it?I'm dumbfounded again for the second time today cause even Ara sometimes finds it funny. I don't blame her because I find it weird too.

I mean I am fat so my fat cells should keep me from getting hungry if not then why are they there for?

"Ok." I smile feeling more relaxed now. Strangely enough I'm more comfortable with her right now than I was 5 seconds ago.

We went inside her office and she took out some chocolate bread and yogurt out from her drawer. "So what's your name?" She handed me one of the bread and yoghurt.

"Soo Jin." I mutter whilst grabbing the bread and yoghurt out of her hand. "What's yours?"

"Han Eun Sook" she stated proudly while showing me how it was engraved on her unique glass name plate.

But our school doesn't do name plates. These only means she brought this with her. She must be posh.

"Are you a Carat?" she stares at me with her glittering brown eyes awaiting for an answer.

"Yea-" as soon as I said that she claps cheerfully. "I'm a carat too. I thought I would die since none of the teachers here strike me as a potential fan." she takes a sip from her yoghurt as an attempt to calm herself. "Who's your bias?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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