Chapter 34 - Making an Escape

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"Let's remove these cords quickly so you can both sign the marriage contract," Father Lawrence said, frantically untying their hands and then unrolling a scroll and laying it onto the altar.

He handed Henry a feather quill pen and he dipped it into the ink pot before signing it quickly and then Eleanor signed it too. 

"By the Realm of England, I officially pronounce you, husband and wife," Father Lawrence told them as he signed it too, before rolling the scroll up and putting it into a cylinder tube with a lid and hiding it under his robe.

"I pledge to you, I'll keep this scroll safe and guard it with my life if I must. Now follow me," he said with a wave of hand as he hurried away and they rushed to keep up with him, going through a doorway and down a hallway before going through another door.

"Where are we going?" Henry asked.

"There's a secret tunnel that runs under the cathedral that takes you onto the castle grounds. It was made so the royal family could escape the castle if it was under siege, but I don't believe anyone else knows of it's existence but me," the priest whispered to them as they went down another long stone hallway that was lit by torches.

He led them to a stone statue of the Virgin Mary that was set back in an alcove on the wall. Father Lawrence looked both ways to make sure the coast was clear before reaching out and pushing on a stone in the alcove that slid to the side, revealing a key hole.

The priest pulled a skeleton key out of his robe and put it in the hole, turning it until there was a clicking sound. Then he pressed on the stone wall and it swung back on a hinge, creating a small doorway with a dark path beyond.

"You'll want to take off your crown and robe, your highness and I'll have Joan take them back to the castle. Both of you put on these black cloaks to disguise yourselves as monks when you come out on the other side."

Eleanor put the long cloak on over her dress and Henry took off his crown and royal robe and handed them to Father Lawrence before putting a cloak on too.

The priest handed Henry the skeleton key and said, "you'll need this to open the door on the other side."

Henry took it from him and said, "Thank you Father for everything. You've risked your life many times to make today possible for us. Without you none of this would have happened. I owe you my life."

Father Lawrence smiled and said, "I was only doing what I knew was right. Let that inspire you to do something to change someone else's life and we'll be even."

Henry nodded and gave him a hug, patting his back. "I will. You have my word."

Father Lawrence looked at them both and said, "Now before you go, I must remind you that until your marriage is consummated your mother could contest its legitimacy and have it annulled. Keep that in mind."

Then Father Lawrence grabbed one of the burning torches off the wall and handed it to Henry.

"You'll need this to light your way."

Henry took the torch and the priest patted both of their shoulders and said, "Now go forth and begin the your new life together as one. May God watch over you and keep you safe from those that would do you harm."

"Thank you father," Henry said with a nod. "And tell Lord Buxley, the head of my royal army, to keep Eleanor's family safe."

"Of course," he nodded.

Henry took Eleanor's hand and led the way into the long narrow tunnel. She looked back and saw the stone door sliding closed behind them and she was nervous and scared.

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