Chapter 5

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Today had been hell. First I got a call at 5.30 from the coach for a meeting. I mean come on, a meeting at 5.30 in the morning. The meeting was only about potential draft interests which could have been done in the AFTERNOON. Secondly, when I got to school, late, I got scolded by my maths teacher. At least I showed. Thirdly, I came to the party tonight looking to improve my day but was pissed off the second I walk in. 

Peter-the-pisser-offer was caught by me making out with Mila. Keeping my cool when I spotted Laney down the hall I realised what she was about to walk into. Shit. Too late. I get closer as does Laney and hear her start to yell at Peter whose lips are still on Mila's. Disgusting. Laney pushes Mila off Peter and only now have they both come to their senses. Laney stumbles and I realise she is drunk. Again

"You bitch," she points at Mila then turns to Peter, jumping on him and surprising everyone in the room. "And you are a mothe-" 

Before the scene around us gets any worse I grab onto her, pulling her up and try to calm her down whilst Peter recollects himself on the ground. "Delaney, I know you want nothing more than to beat the crap out of him, and trust me I do too but don't you think this isn't the place to do so," she looks around sobering up a little. 

Laney nods before shooting daggers at the two dumbasses. I mean who would do it at a party in a hallway that your girlfriend is in at a party? "We're over," turning from Peter to me she asks, "Can you please drive me home?" 

"Come on." Laney looks like she's on the brink of a mental break down so I grab her wrist, gently, and lead her to my car. Once we're settled in the car it's silent for a while. We're about 20 minutes away from our houses since we're on the other side of town. 

"That was... a lot... Are you ok?" I ask. 

She turns to me and only now do I realise she's crying. Damn it. She's been sitting here in her thoughts and I couldn't even notice. Some guy I am. "Do I look ok?" No.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"I'm sorry." I almost laugh before realising the situation we're in however I try to make light of it. 

"When has Delaney ever been sorry? To me?  I say that was pretty badass of you to go after Peter like that."

"No, it wasn't, it was stupid and it created a scene. If anything I should be saying thank you as well." Right, Laney hates attention and now everyone is going to be talking about this. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole town knows about it before we even get home. 

I leave her be and watch her rest her head against the window before shutting her eyes. I let her rest for the remainder of the drive. Once we arrive in her driveway I call her name but when she doesn't answer the first time I decide she is asleep. 

I think about all the possible options I have. Option 1: stay in the car until she wakes up; option 2: carry her inside and option 3: leave her here in the car. Ok, August, option 3 is out of the question because she may be kidnapped or frozen to death. Option 1 is the same except you'll both get kidnapped and freeze to death. But 2 people are better than 1. Option 2 it is. 

I've carried Laney heaps of times when we were kids. This will be easy, however, that is much easier said than done because now I have to be extra careful to not wake her up. I quietly knock on the front door with Laney bridal style in my arms. Willy opens the door with Frankie behind him. Looks like they were just planning on leaving for the party. 

"Hey man, stuff got outta hand at the party and I brought Laney home. Can I?" 

"Umm... yeah come in. Bring her upstairs. I'll sit with her for a bit. Come on Willy," Frankie says, Willy being in stuck some state of shock. 

I follow Frankie up the stairs before she opens Laney's bedroom door. Luckily, Laney is still a deep sleeper like she was when she was younger and hasn't woken up yet. Frankie pulls the covers over her when I lay her down and watch as Frankie gets her comfy. I walk out close the door and see Willy leaning against the wall outside Laney's room. 

"Thanks for that Aug. I don't what I would have done if something happened to her. Is Del ok?"

"I don't really know, stuff happened with Peter but it's not my story to tell," I'm not sure if Delaney would want me to tell Willy what happened so it's best I don't and let Willy's imagination tell him as much as I need. 

"I might kill him. I wish I was there so I could comfort her better."

"It was crazy from the second you walked in, it defiantly would not have been Frankie's cup of tea. I mean I hadn't even made it through the door before shit went down."

"Are you going to go back?" Willy asks. 

"No way, Peter would still probably be there and I'd rather play the first game of the season in a couple of weeks." 

"Do you wanna hang around here then? There's a replay on tonight if you want to watch it?" 

"Umm... sure I might go change but I'll be back in a bit with snacks," I turn for the door and quickly jog down the steps. I'll move my car later. 


During the replay, Frankie came down and joined us on the couch before Willy went up to talk with Delaney. Blake showed up for a talk after she heard what had happened. Frankie decided to go and make sure Blake wasn't losing her crap. 

And now I watch as the 3 girls make their way downstairs with Laney wrapped up like a burrito in her blanket. I'd say she looks more mad than miserable. Willy looks over to me and we both share our thoughts with our eyes before looking at Frankie to confirm it. That's our leave of the room and then we head out to the backyard and start a fire. 

We talk about the usual stuff like hockey and the team before we start to move into other topics, I bring up Frankie, "How are you and Frankie going?"

He thinks about it for a second before smiling and rubbing his hands over his face, "Really good, man, like really good. I think that she's it for me. I mean I don't know about her but I love her to death."

"I think we have a major lover boy over here." 

He laughs before putting his beer up to his mouth, "I would do anything for her." He stops for a second before collecting himself and turning to me pretty seriously, "When are you going to be finally off the market? There are plenty of women out there who are willing to throw themselves in front of a bus for you. Or men, whichever way you swing."

"No, I think I'm still waiting for a girl, by the way, to stand out. No one has really caught my attention..." I trail off zoning in on the fire.

Willy seems to take what I put down, "You still like her, don't you?  What's holding you back? She and Peter are over now I don't why you waited that long in the first place." Willy has known about my silly little crush since probably even before I admitted it to myself. He's never really had a problem with it, not like when other guys make stupid comments about her to him. 

I don't answer him for a second before I spot Frankie walking out. Saved by the bell. Or Frankie in this case. Frankie bids goodnight before heading back up to the girl's room. That must mean we have been out for at least 2 hours. We pack up and head inside before we slump on the couch in the living room like we usually do. The only time I wake up is when I hear footsteps in the kitchen. 

Song: Teardrops On My Guitar - Taylor Swift 

Words: 1403 

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